ACDC Call to Action on Health Care Reform

I received this via an email list. Call to Action: We Need Your Help With the House of Representatives expected to vote on health insurance reform as early as next week, the Allegheny County Democratic Party and Organizing for America (OFA) are stepping up our efforts as we head into the “Final March for Reform.” […]

The GLCC Newsletter is Out

We received our current issue of the GLCC News this past week after what seems like a long hiatus.  Is it just me or has it been awhile?  Maybe its just me.  I really look forward to this connection with the Community Center.  The professional quality just keeps getting better and I really like that. […]

Today, I had my first mammogam

I am 36 years old and this morning, I had my first mammogram.  I am one and one half years late in doing this.  I needed to get a baseline at age 35 because of the history of cancer in my family.  I procrastinated because it didn't seem urgent to me and because of how […]

The Trib Weighs in on Gay Sheep and Tim Hardaway

Local opinion seems to be that our own con-alternative paper, the Tribune Review, is pretty anti-gay.  The fact, however, is that most of their gay coverage has been consistent with mainstream thought on gays — we aren't so bad after all, its not such a big deal, don't we have better things to worry about […]

Blogging for Choice in Pittsburgh

Today I join hundreds of other bloggers around the nation to share why I am pro-choice.  Please forgive if this does not flow as well as I would like – I'm not feeling 100% today. Blog for Choice Day is a chance to raise the profile of reproductive rights issues in the blogosphere and the […]

Councilwoman Darlene Harris’ Credibility Goes Up In Smoke

In another stunning effort to spin negative publicity, City Councilwoman Darlene Harris claims that she did not order a smoke eater machine to de-stuffify her office.  Ms. Harris simply wanted some box fans and now she is outraged, outraged I tell you, that someone mistakenly spent $1200 on the smoke eater. “I wanted a little […]

West VA Sheriff Refused CPR, Gay Man Dies, Civil Rights Case Moves Forward

Back in March, we reported on the West Virigina Sheriff who denied CPR to a dying gay man under the pretext that the man was HIV+.  The man, Claude Greene, died later that evening at a local hospital.  Greene's friend was present at the scene but was physically prevented from performing CPR by Robert K. […]

Steel Queer N’At: Correspondents Weigh In

Last night, we toddled off to The Eagle to catch Steel Queer N'At, a quarterly performance of Pittsburgh queer talent put together by a local eclectic queer art collective.  For months, we've talked about going to the monthly K'vetch performances (third Thursdays at Modern Formations in Garfield), but something always came up. So this was […]

Lesbian Brains Differ From Straight Women’s Brains

From the AP today, I picked up an interesting little tidbit.  Swedish research indicates that lesbians' brains react differently to sex hormones than the brains of straight women. In fact, lesbian reactions are similar to the reaction of heterosexual men; previous research indicates that the opposite is true for gay men – their reaction are […]

Russian Christians Partner with Skinheads on Gay Rights

Here's a sad fact: Russian Orthdox Catholics are working in unity with skinheads to oppose gay rights. On Sunday police had to hold back a crowd of bottle-tossing skinheads and Bible- clutching church folks who were protesting a gay event at a local club. Not to be outdone by the Christian-Skinhead connection, Russian Muslims are […]