Unpacking Dr. Oz Attacking John Fetterman for Surviving a Stroke

Dr. Oz is trying to erode our trust in John Fetterman, vy strongly implying he’s hiding something about his health or unable to make an informed decisions about his own capabilities. Frankly, this again takes us back to abortion. There’s a shaming factor around *why* someone wants to access an abortion while also a patronizing […]

COVID – Lingering

So my active symptoms began on Tuesday, August 16, but I was exposed the previous Friday. It has been over two weeks. I feel better, for sure. But I also feel different and not better or at least not myself better if that makes sense. Mostly, I am exhausted physically and mentally. I wake up […]

COVID Realities

Reading over my posts about living with COVID-19 the past ten days, I’m struck by my flippant indignation and simmering ire about everything from the systemic failings to my personal inconveniences. As I head into Day 10 without respite, those sentiments shift. I’m ashamed by my shallow even callous comments. This is not a joke. […]

COVID How It Is Going

Well, I’m still sick. I could list symptoms, but really – you know the symptoms. I do have a funky rash which seems like a gross thing to share, but could be helpful for someone reading this who says “I have a rash, too.” It is day 7 since my symptoms and day four since […]

Covid Chronicles – WTF?

This is seriously horrible. Laura was exposed on Friday morning and sick Sunday evening. She’s feeling cruddy, but okay enough. I started to have symptoms on Tuesday and each day have been progressively worse. If this is mild, I’ll eat my hat. But it will taste odd so not so much. I have been running […]

COVID Chronicles – They Lost My Test

My wife was exposed last week and by Sunday night, felt horrible. She called our PCP and they brought her right in for a test. They told me that since we cannot isolate from each other, I likely would get it. But wanted me to wait to be tested. OK, fine. I didn’t feel great […]

Pennsylvania Governor Signs Executive Order to Protect LGBTQIA+ Pennsylvanians from Conversion Therapy

Governor Tom Wolf signed an executive order that provides some protections from conversion therapy. “Conversion therapy is a traumatic practice based on junk science that actively harms the people it supposedly seeks to treat,” said Gov. Wolf. “This discriminatory practice is widely rejected by medical and scientific professionals and has been proven to lead to […]

I’ve Been Hacked by Russians and Quarantined By COVID-19

Are you kidding me? When we came back from our trip to Western New York and Erie, I tested positive for COVID-19. I wasn’t terribly sick just felt cruddy. Then I was better for a week until I twisted my knee. That sucked. Then my Facebook account was hacked by a Russian based email address […]

Proud of My June

Well, it seems that I’ve arrived at the end of June without a significant depressive episode – a rarity for me. I don’t know why June is always a tough month for me, but the data tracks. A few days ago, I wasn’t sure I’d be standing in this moment today on June 30. I […]

Pride Anxiety

Pride Anxiety

Today is Pride. We had plans to go with a friend to see the parade and walk around the festival. Then the thoughts crept into my mind. Last night, I was fretting about the hill we’d have to walk up from our car to the festival. What if I couldn’t climb the hill? What if […]