Are You Really Thinking of Me?

I appreciate the many expressions of sympathy about the death of my mother. The situation is complicated by a lot of trauma at the hands of other, now dead, family members and the many family members (all of them) who enabled or denied their predatory violence. In truth, every adult in my family on both […]

If you can’t maintain a conversation, it’s probably time to find a therapist not a Facebook meme

Over the past month or so, I’ve noticed that more and more often communication is delayed? Stilted? Fading? Still, I don’t agree with this meme. Post-apocalyptic movies and most of history teaches us that nothing of this magnitude ‘ends’ – our entire world is irrevocably altered in ways we cannot control or understand. Waiting for […]

How Starbucks Helped Me Endure the Pandemic. Until Now.

I used to smirk at people who sat in line, engines idling, for long periods of time at a local Starbucks. I could park, go in, place my order, use the bathroom, collect my order, and walk out while they sat there just waiting. My wife and I spent a lot of time at Starbucks. […]

Do You Have a Hard Copy of the 2003 ‘Voices for a New Tomorrow’ Needs Assessment?

If you were active in the regional community around 2003 (pre-Delta era) – I’d like to talk with you. In January 2003, Persad Center published a community needs assessment in conjunction with the Gay and Lesbian Community Center (now the Pittsburgh Equality Center) and The Seven Project. The researchers were Dr. Sandra Quinn and Dr. […]

Do you know of an immunologist with subspecialty in GI disorders?

Do you know of an immunologist with subspecialty in GI disorders?

Apparently, this is the person I need to find. Actually, it can also be a gastroenterologist with subspecialty of immunology. Help?

Send Christmas cookies to help your favorite rapidly but unexplained shrinking blogger

I’d like some Christmas cookies, please. One thing about unexplained weight loss is the sense of disappearing, being less tangible, of existing less fully than I did a year ago. I’m still here, but there’s less of me. But only physically. The things that make me a person are still here. Right? I desperately want […]

I tend to close my eyes when it hurts sometimes

Asus vivibook

Nothing worse than feeling like a fool. I’ve saved up all year to be able to buy a laptop. A new laptop, not just a new-to-me laptop. When you live on Social Security disability benefits, this is not an easy feat. But I knew that as much as truly love my little Chromebook, it wasn’t […]

Allegheny Health Network Esophageal Institute Mistakes are Hard to Swallow

Allegheny Health Network

This is somewhat jumbled in my brain, but I’m going to try to write it down. I went for an endoscopy this AM at Allegheny Health Network, the goal was to affix a Bravo chip to my esophagus to monitor ph levels for a few days. I woke up in agony. In addition to the […]

Autoimmune Dysmotility and Me: Part Five Subtitled “Allegheny Health Network is Not Doing So Great”

Autoimmune Dysmotility and Me: Part Five Subtitled “Allegheny Health Network is Not Doing So Great”

Tomorrow morning, I’m heading in for my second endoscopy in about eight months. This one is supposed to attach a ph monitoring device called a Bravo to my esophagus. My procedure is scheduled with Dr. Blair Jobe at the Allegheny Health Network Esophageal Institute in West Penn Hospital. The Esophageal Institute is supposedly among the […]

Pittsburgh LGBTQIA+ Commission Statement on World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day • December 1, 2021   Pittsburgh LGBTQIA+ Commission Honors Those Who Have Died  from HIV/AIDS, Elevates the Dignity of Persons Living With HIV, and  Joins The Call To End The AIDS Epidemic By 2030  Forty years ago, in June 1981, Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report published an article  describing five cases of Pneumocystis […]