What Is The Key to Getting Myself Home Again?

After five weeks have passed, I’m thinking a little more down the road including finding the key to go back home. So many of my rights and liberties were taken from me or violated that I am determined to lean into every right I can, cling tightly, and keep my eyes wide open for other […]

ISO Recommendations for Housecleaning Services on Northside

ISO recommendations for housecleaning services. Ideally: no dishes, no laundry, no pet duties, no putting away our stuff, no bedmaking, no heavy lifting We will pay $20-$30/hour with four hour minimum every other week. I am home, but I’ll stay out of your way and won’tinterrupt you with chit chat. We have lots of supplies […]

“Shame On You (Insert Lesbian Slur)” For Calling Out Local Labor Leader Over Affordable Housing

Phil Ameris lesbian bashing

I spent Saturday afternoon tabling for #ProtectTransKids projects at a local arts event. This meant I repeatedly described the anti-trans abusive behavior of the neighbor who targeted the young Black trans teen at the heart of the project. People shared their own stories – their personal experiences, their family members, grandkids, nieces. In the midst, […]

Phil Ameris, Pres of Construction Worker’s Union, Disparages Affordable Housing, Working Class Families

Philip Ameris

For your consideration from a PublicSource article about the hotly contested campaign for Allegheny County Chief Executive: Phil Ameris, president of the Laborers District Council of Western Pennsylvania, added that Weinstein will “be a fair voice for both labor and development,” and in a dig at more progressive candidates, said he will represent more than […]

My Holiday Decoration Scheme

Or Jesus, Cats, and Trans Kids My neighborhood of Manchester on Pittsburgh’s Northside is having a holiday decorating contest. We have a lovely row house, built in 1872, but no outdoor electrical outlets so our decorating has always been limited. Putting things inside the windows is risky business with cats. And the windows are tall […]

Pip & Lola’s Hopes to Sell 100 Bars of Soap to Donate to Northside Common Ministries by Monday

Donate Soap

The residents of Pleasant Valley Shelter at Northside Common Ministries are sheltering in place, keeping safe and helping out as much as they can with the other life-sustaining operations like the food pantry. Their only real opportunity to get outside is to walk the shelter dog, Anne. NCM is a wonderful community resources and in […]

Day 21

Man, this is exhausting. I slept decently last night (thanks, psych medication) and struggled to get going today. The days start the same as usual – get washed, dressed, let the dog out, feed the cats, feed the other cats, feed the original cats again, feed the dog, make the coffee, eat something. Laura gets […]

FAQ: “What Do You Do When You Are Depressed?”

Depression Survival Tips

As I currently navigate my way through a bout of depression, I’m thinking about this question that I get all of the time – how do I manage my home life when I’m going through it? Welp, this post is going to focus on three Care Tips that I personally use to get through the […]

When The Ceiling Comes Tumbling Down

Last week started out tough. I was recovering from an asthma attack, trying to schedule carpal tunnel surgery, gearing up for the chaos of our roof being replaced and it was 89 bazillion degrees. That was Tuesday. Thursday night at 8:30 pm, I got a wake-up call about the challenges of the slow-moving state of […]

Good Legislative Stuff Happens in PA, too

It is hard to keep up with the good stuff, but I'm sure you want to know about it …. Anti-Discrimination HB 300 sponsored by Representative Dan Frankel SB 910 sponsored by Senator Lawrence Farnese These bills will expand the Human Relations Act to include sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression as protected classes. […]