28-year-old Black Trans Chicago Woman is First Reported Victim of Homicide in 2021

Black Trans Woman

From Brave Space Alliance in Chicago: Davarea Alexander, 28, also known as Tyianna, was shot to death in the early morning hours in the 800 block of West 75th, Ashburn neighborhood, South Side on January 6, 2021. Officers were called just before 5 a.m. to the 800 block of West 75th Street, where two people […]

Shooting Death of Young Latina Trans Woman Brings 2020 Toll to 44 Known Deaths

Transgender Epidemic Violence

A Latina transgender woman in her early 20’s was shot to death on December 26 in the Bronx borough of New York City. She was shot in the back of her head and died at the scene according to officers responding to the 911 call. Her name was Alexandria Winchester. The Ali Forney Center in […]

40-Year-Old Black Trans Woman Found Dead in Athens, Georgia Parking Lot

Kimberely Cope

Will Raphael Warnock and Jon Osoff say her name and speak out loudly about the myriad of oppressions Black trans women in Georgia experience? 

25-Year-Old Black Trans Woman Murdered on Christmas Day in Chicago

Black Trans Woman Chicago

Just a week after writing about the ugly shooting death of a 19-year-old Black gender nonconforming young adult while they were at a Christmas party, I was hopeful there would be no more deaths to cover in 2020. I was wrong about that and in a very terrible way. Another violent murder of a young […]

Black Gender Nonconforming Teen Shot to Death in Alabama

Jaheim Pugh Bella

This is complicated story about identity, but it is a story that must be shared within that complexity because it also reflects the consequences of intolerance and hate in our society. The victim who was murdered in this story was a 19 year old young adult who was identified by friends as using both he/him […]

Trans Woman Kimberly Susan Fial, 55, Murdered in a Mass Stabbing in San Jose

Kimberly Fial Murder

On November 22, 2020, a horrific crime took the life of 55-year-old white trans woman, Kimberly Susan Fial. She was volunteering at a local homeless shelter in Grace Baptist Church in San Jose, California when she and four other staff/volunteers were stabbed by a resident of the shelter. Kim and one other person died from […]

Black Trans Woman Fendi Mon’ezah “Peaches” Armstrong Found Dead in Georgia

Fendi Mon'ezah Peaches Armstrong

On November 12, 2020 the body of Fendi Mon’ezah Armstrong was discovered in a motel room near Lithonia, Georgia. Fendi was a 39-year-old Black trans woman. She was deceased when police arrived. Police have not yet released any information.  Here’s a link to the initial reporting. Please note that it does misgender and deadname Fendi. […]

Black Trans Woman Skylar Heath Dies Under Suspicious Circumstances in Miami

Skylar Heath Black Trans Woman

Skylar Heath was 20 years old when she lost her life on November 4, 2020 in Miami, Florida. Misgendering by media, law enforcement, and in her obituary obscured her death and her lived experiences as a young Black trans woman. From PlanetTransgender Miami-Dade police found Skylar Heath in the vicinity of NW 14 Court and […]

Black Trans Woman, Chae’Meshia Simms, Fatally Shot in Richmond

Black Trans Woman

On Monday, November 23, Chae’Meshia Simms was killed in Richmond, Virginia. She was found dead in the driver’s seat of her mother’s car at 6 AM. The car wrecked while moving and police responded. Police said they have identified the victim of a homicide on Cheatwood Avenue in Richmond’s North Side.About 5:40 a.m. Monday, officers […]

22-year-old Asia Jynaé Foster shot to death in Houston on Trans Day of Remembrance

On November 20, Asia Jynai Foster was killed. Asia was 22 years old and a Black trans woman living in Houston, Texas. November 20 was also the Trans Day of Remembrance, an international observation of trans neighbors who have been killed. According to Outsmart A 22-year-old Black transgender woman was shot and killed in west […]