Watch This Video: Somali Born Trans Woman Fought To Tell Her Story After Being Shot and Paralyzed in 2022. She Died Earlier This Month Ohio.

Somalia trans woman shot in Columbus, Ohio, Kassim Omar.

When I first learned about Kassim Omar, I saw a video embedded in story by the Columbus Dispatch. She had been fully paralyzed in the 2022 shooting, relying on a trach tube that should have prevented her from speaking. But she trained herself to speak. Kassim was not interviewed by law enforcement before the trial. […]

How to Support LGBTQ People in Ukraine

Ukraine Grunge Flag

This is a list curated from various sources that I trust. I cannot personally verify each source so I strongly urge you to do your due diligence. But I also urge you to consider donating what you can. The terror of war coupled with the virulent anti-LGBTQ sentiments in the safe haven countries must be […]

Chimerica: Post-Production Thoughts

Under the category of ‘better late than never’ – I’m finally writing about my experience watching Quantum Theatre production of Chimerica. It was my first Quantum Theater production. I don’t know why that is the case. But it felt fitting that Chimerica was my first show and my first live theater performance since the the […]

Phat Man Dee “I remember the Holocaust so that I can see it happening to other people and speak against it.”

Phat Man Dee International Holocaust Day of Remembrance

A guest blog post from Phat Man Dee on this International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2020   As a child it never occurred to me that people would not remember the Holocaust. After all, who could forget something that stole so many branches of my family tree? It was this deep understanding of horror in my […]

While We Are Talking Equality …

Other good stuff happened … In New York, openly gay State Assemblyman Danny O'Donnell has announced the introduction of a marriage equality bill.  He announced it by Twitter.  You can follow him @DanielJODonnell  How can you not follow this guy?  It would be like denying yourself a breath of fresh air.  I just nearly gassed […]

Argentina first Latin American nation to approve marriage equality

Hurrah for Argentina. BUENOS AIRES — Argentina's Senate narrowly approved a law early on Thursday authorizing same-sex marriages, making Argentina the first country in Latin America to allow gay couples to wed.   <snip>   But in a region where the separation of church and state is not always so clear, the law demonstrated a […]

State Rep Harry Readshaw teams up with Darryl Metcalfe? Really?

On that critical Pennsylvania issue … immigration reform. State Reps. Daryl Metcalfe and Harry Readshaw think Pennsylvania should follow Arizona's lead and “protect its borders and citizens” by giving local and state police more power to arrest, detain and eventually deport foreigners who have entered the state illegally and don't have proper registration papers.   […]

What we missed: the trib on gays

We like to keep up with local media coverage on LGBTQ issues, but things occasionally slip by us. The Tribune Review ran a little AP piece on world condemnation of a Papal comment linking homosexuality and pedophilia.  “Many psychologists and psychiatrists have demonstrated that there is no relation between celibacy and pedophilia,” the Italian cardinal […]

Post-Gazette Runs Piece on Uganda

If you have been sort of “meh” about immigration <ahem> reform in Arizona and/or international affairs that don't involve sporting events, you should take a quick read of this piece in today's Post-Gazette, reprinted from the New York Times. Not only is Uganda attempting to make gay advocacy illegal and potentially punish gay people with […]

LGBT Films at Jewish Israeli Film Festival in Pittsburgh

  Pittsburgh Jewish Israeli Film Festival presents       Saturday, March 20, 8:30 p.m. · SouthSide Works  He's My Girl Pittsburgh Premiere · Director: Jean-Jaques Zilbermann2009, France, 35mm, 90 minutes, French with subtitles“He's My Girl” is a delightful romp about Simon, a talented klezmer musician.He falls for Naim, an Arab transsexual, but can't bring […]