Good Legislative Stuff Happens in PA, too

It is hard to keep up with the good stuff, but I'm sure you want to know about it …. Anti-Discrimination HB 300 sponsored by Representative Dan Frankel SB 910 sponsored by Senator Lawrence Farnese These bills will expand the Human Relations Act to include sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression as protected classes. […]

Update on pro-equality legislation in Pennsylvania

State Representive Cohen has introduced a measure that would expand existing law to recognize civil unions.   HB708 has several familiar cosponsors, including Dan Frankel, Jake Wheatley, Chelsa Wagner, Dom Costa, Paul Costa, Mark Gergely.  41 sponsors in total. This legislation has been referred to the Judiciary Committee as of February 12, 2011. Several cosponsors sit in […]

ENDA national day of action

Don't get fired — get fired up! Join Pride at Work in a national day of action, Tuesday May 18th. If you've ever made a phone call, written a letter or attended a lobby day in support of the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA), if you have ever stood up for fair treatment for all workers, […]

Fayette County prison guard gender stereotyping suit settled

We first discussed this back in December 2009 when the Tribune Review reported on a federal lawsuit filed by a state prison guard in Fayette County.  He claimed he was being harassed because he did not conform to gender expectations, including being too effeminate on the radio.  (What does that even mean, asks the female […]

North Side man alleges workplace gay bashing

Good for Thomas Hutter for stepping forward and standing up to discrimination and harassment. A North Side man says he was forced to quit his job at a Neville Island company because his boss kept taunting him for being gay. Thomas Hutter, 29, said Gabriel Tamilia, his supervisor at All American Grating, repeatedly harassed him […]

Washinton Time ENDA EDITORIAL: Discrimination is necessary Subjecting kids to weirdos undermines standards of decency

Here's the link to the usual transphobic stupidity, although this headline is pretty awful. First-graders should not be forced into the classrooms of teachers undergoing sex changes. Religious broadcasters and faith-based summer camps should not be forced to hire cross-dressers. Women should not be forced to share bathrooms with people with male body parts who […]