Letters to the Editor: Lest we get complacent, please read this

Edward Liberatore from Turtle Creek is not a fan of us homosexuals. Or science. The shouting down of anyone who doesn’t agree with the left wing’s liberal agenda is nothing new. The radicals have always tried to drown out any reasonable discourse over the decades. In the midst of the sexual revolution of the ’60s […]

PG Letters to the Editor on LGBTQ Equality

Folks, it is a good time to get your fingers stretched and send in your own letters.  Politicians pay attention to people contacting them personally, but they also watch the opinion sections of the media.  If you need an angle, consider writing in about Chick Fil A if you are a customer.  Talk with the […]

Another PG Letter to the Editor for Marriage Equality

The PG Community Forum is beginning to grow on me.  Today, we find another pro-equality letter to the editor from Attorney Bruce Wilder of Downtown. Short, sweet and to the point and with an affirming message for same sex parenting. On the issue of “majorities,” please note that anti-miscegenation laws were struck down by the […]

Letter to the Editor on Marriage Equality

Missed this in the Post-Gazette earlier in the week (I'd blame the search engine, but we've already been down that path). Like Mr. Franck, I was once the sort of earnest Christian whose judgment against sexual difference was formed according to what I thought were orthodox ideas about the Bible and Christian tradition. But I […]

Trib Letter to the Editor

It has been awhile.  Thankfully, Kris Saunders of Squirrel Hill has brought back the homobigot rant to the editorial page of the Tribune Review.  Kris is of the mindset that the pedophilia scandal in the Catholic Church is a result of rampant tolerance of homosexuality. But it is odd that the Trib, which has called […]

PG: online commentary

When I began blogging, I dedicated many posts to the letters to the editor to demonstrate that civil minded people were speaking out on LGBTQ issues. This pretty much requires me to search the papers daily with LGBTQ keywords (typically, gay and homosexual — the fact that stories about lesbisn WITHOUT the word gay is […]

Letter to the editor – DADT

Karen Mesko's piece in the Post-Gazette draw an appreciative letter from another person discharged under this policy. Essay hit home Thank you for publishing the excellent piece by Karen Mesko regarding the “don't ask, don't tell” policy (“To Be a Soldier … or a Human Being,” Feb. 21 Forum). I was discharged under “don't ask, […]

PG Letters to the Editor on County Anti-Discrimination Bill

Ray McGogney of Shaler sees right through the culture wars.  His letter to the editor in the Post-Gazette shatters the right-wing argument that the County Anti-Discrimination legislation is going to limit the religious freedom of anyone.  The anti-discrimination bill before County Council (“Discrimination Bill Draws Large Crowd,” Jan. 16) has nothing to do with personal […]

Another Good Letter to the Editor

 Another heartening letter to the editor, this time from Carole E. Rose of Mt. Lebanon on the topic of gay rights.  Ms. Rose is responding to a letter which regurgitated the “marriage = procreation” argument which this writer soundly rebuts: Does she have her head in the sand? Does she think that children are born […]

Letter to the Editor

In today's PG , Chris Strayer of Homewood (misspelled as Hoomewood, I think) rebuts the “marriage is for procreation” argument.  Or, as Chris puts it, marriage for breeding.  That was worth a chuckle. I'm confused about this “engendering” business. I thought that was something ultrasound readers and OB/GYNs did. They look at the kid and assign […]