Rachel Lange, 42, took a few steps out of their gender closet #AMPLIFYupdates

Queer genderqueer Pittsburgh

At the request of our contributors, we are creating space for people to submit updates to the #AMPLIFY LGBTQ project. We know that for some folks, life has changed so we are offering an opportunity to post an update to earlier responses. We will NOT be modifying that content, but we will create a link […]

Mairin, 31, is an out and proud lesbian in Philadelphia with Pittsburgh roots #AMPLIFY

Pittsburgh Philadelphia lesbian

Working around dress codes has always been difficult for me. I dress in men’s clothing and it isn’t always acceptable in professional settings (it is also not always easy to find clothes to begin with!). Every time I start a new job or show up to a dressy function, I worry what people are going […]

Rural PA LGBTQ&A with TransFamily NWPA and Erie Gay News from Erie, Pennsylvania

Rural organizing Erie County

This is part of a new occasional series exploring LGBTQ organizing in rural Pennsylvania communities. After our recent driving trip through the PA Wilds communities, I was impressed that after an almost complete lack of queer visibility, a slew of new LGBTQ projects unfolded in my feed – a Pride event in Elk County, a Pride parade […]

Trans Woman Jayme Lyn, 59, Wants Us To Remember the ‘Mature’ Trans Community #AMPLIFY

Trans Woman Allegheny County

  Name: Jayme Lynn Age: 59 County of Residence: Allegheny County, previously Dauphin county and Cumberland county Pronouns: She,her,Ms How do you describe your identity? Transgender woman Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? Hiding for 55 yrs,I found strength in the Diana Sawyer, Caitlin Jenner interview,wife knew about me […]

Political LGBTQ&A with Anthony Saba, Crafton Borough Councilperson-Elect

Openly Gay Arab Man

While on the local level we can only have so much impact, I believe that everything starts at the community level.  I would focus on making sure that all of our neighbors, regardless of their identity, understand what we are fighting for, equality and community. – Anthony Saba A few days after Election Day 2019, the Victory […]

Political LGBTQ&A with Edward Alo, Crafton Borough Councilperson-Elect

Openly Gay Crafton Borough Councilperson

I believe it is extremely important to have various representatives of the LGBTQ in elected office as well as in the public view.  I believe it provides a role model for younger generations.  When I was growing up in the 90s, my first experience with the LGTBQ was from MTV and Will and Grace.  It […]

Rural PA LGBTQ&A with OutIndiana from Indiana County, Pennsylvania

This is part of a new occasional series exploring LGBTQ organizing in rural Pennsylvania communities. After our recent driving trip through the PA Wilds communities, I was impressed that after an almost complete lack of queer visibility, a slew of new LGBTQ projects unfolded in my feed – a Pride event in Elk County, a Pride parade […]

Political LGBTQ&A with Jessica Semler, Etna Borough Council Member-Elect

Jessica Semler Etna Borough Council

If I had more folks that look like me out and in positions of power when I was younger, I truly think I would have come out to others, and myself years earlier than I did. It means so damn much. More LGBTQ folks in office means visibility of what it can look like to […]

Emilee, 21, Describes Life as a Chinese-American Lesbian in Rural Fayette County #AMPLIFY

Chinese-American Lesbian

Being the minority for both race and sexuality can be a nightmare here. I have not experienced any [microaggressions] for my sexuality, but it’s a constant battle because of my race. Strangers will constantly make rude comments to me about being Chinese. I’ve had customers at work make rude and or ignorant comments about it. The worst part is when people try to ask me where I’m from. Honestly I don’t know because I was adopted as a baby. It hits a certain nerve when people bring up anything to do with my ethnicity.

Q&A: Crafters with activist leanings will be at Pittsburgh’s first holiday Craftivist markeplace

Craftivist Pittsburgh

Joining the annual array of holiday craft shows is a brand-new entry – Craftivists. On Saturday, November 30, 2019 at 11 AM – 4 PM, you’ll find an array of socially conscious crafters exhibiting at The Union Project in the East End. We are pleased to be the social media sponsor for this intriguing new […]