Q&A: ‘Nomad Motel’ Playwright Carla Ching on Creating Responsible, Thoughtful, and Human Art

Carla Ching

A new play is debuting at the City Theatre this month, Nomad Motel written by Carla Ching.  This show also marks the debut of a ‘pay what you want’ option at City Theatre during select performances. Details at the end of this post. May 12 – June 3, 2018 In the not-so-sunny side of California, Alix […]

He’s a cisgender polyamorous bisexual guy, but nobody asks #AMPLIFY

Allegheny County LGBTQ

Name:  Just another lawyer Age:  38 County of Residence:  Allegheny Pronouns: He/His How do you describe your identity? I generally don’t. It’s the advantage to presenting the way I do: I don’t have to describe anything. Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face?  To a large degree, I never have. See […]

Joseph, 28, is a HIV+ queer and gay man in Pittsburgh #AMPLIFY

A HIV+ queer and gay man Pittsburgh

  Name: Joseph Onstott Age:  28 County of Residence:  Allegheny Pronouns: he/him/his they/their How do you describe your identity? A HIV+ queer and gay man Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I feel like straight people have this idea in their head that it’s an overnight process when it is anything […]

The Return of #AMPLIFY


At the end of 2017, the #AMPLIFY project took a hiatus. This was in large part because of surgery that I (Sue) had scheduled for early January 2018. We also used the time to get some ducks in a row and plan ahead. Here are a few things we think you should know We posted […]

Winter, 18, Identifies as a Genderquestioning Bisexual Person #AMPLIFY

Allegheny County LGBTQ

Name: Winter Age:  18 County of Residence:  Allegheny Pronouns: She/her How do you describe your identity? I am a genderquestioning bisexual. Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I’m not fully out. I only came out two years ago to my friends and a few family members. My mom, stepdad, […]

Q&A with Lisa Boeving-Learned, Candidate for PA State House District 8

Lisa reached out to me to ask for inclusion in this series. She made me realize that my call-for-Q&As should specify that it is not limited to Pittsburgh. I was struck by her passion for progressive solutions in our rural communities. Lisa grew up in Pittsburgh, moved away for her adult life, and has since […]

Q&A with Kareem Kandil, Candidate for PA State House District 30

Kareem reached out to me in response to my call for Q&A’s with candidates challenging incumbents. This series is designed to highlight the folks who heeded the call to resist by running for elected office. Kareem is running for Pennsylvania State House in the 30th district, a North Hills District outlined in the image below. […]

Q&A with Will Anderson, Candidate for PA State House District 24

This is the next in a series of blog posts about individuals challenging incumbents or running non-traditional races in Pennsylvania. Will’s campaign reached out to me after I posted a call for respondents. He is running in the primary against a Democrat State Rep in the 24th district. Will has documented his years of community […]

Q&A with Sara Innamorato, Candidate for PA State House District 21

I’ve known Sara for about a year, mostly through Facebook and shared interests in organizing. I know that she worked with New Voices Pittsburgh, a venerable progressive organization, and had co-founded She Runs to bring electoral tools to women in the region. Then I read about her decision to challenge Dom Costa and her partnership […]

Q&A with Amber Sloan, Candidate for Allegheny County Democratic Committee

A friend of mine stepped up to run for office, specifically for a seat at the table of the Allegheny County Democratic Committee.  Amber is a powerful voice in the City, especially in her home neighborhood of Homewood. Read her AMPLIFY profile here We’ve been featuring candidates for various offices, but this is our first […]