Leo, 42, is a Bi Man in Erie County Who Wants to be Heard #AMPLIFY

bisexual erie

Name:  leo 13 Age: 42 County of Residence: Erie, formerly Greensburg and Oil City Preferred Pronouns: yet How do you describe your identity? I identify my self as bisexual & I knew that I was when I was about 5 years old . but afraid to lose close friendships that I have known for 20+ years Please describe […]

Tara, 29, Describes Life in the Shenango Valley as a Bisexual Woman #AMPLIFY

Mercer County Bisexual

“[After 9th grade concert] Once we got home, my tears had turned to anger. I ended up slamming every door I touched, kicked off my shoes so hard they hit the wall, and told my mom I hated her. She got in my face, and my dad stepped in. He sent my little brother to his room before I recalled what happened at the school. He sighed, but didn’t say anything. He was a man of few words. After a few minutes of me blubbering, trying to calm down, the three of us went to the kitchen table to talk.
I remember my dad sitting across from me and my mom sitting to my right at our tiny cramped kitchen table. I don’t remember the specifics of conversation, mostly because I blocked it out, but in a nutshell, they told me homosexuality was wrong and I was going to Hell if I continued liking girls. I fidgeted with a leftover napkin as I told them I loved Z. We were best friends. I said I was bisexual, not homosexual, hoping that might somehow make it better. It didn’t. I was still damned just the same.

In the weeks following my admission, my parents forced me to start counseling.”

Final Arrangements for Dalia Sabae UPDATED

Dalia Sabae

These are the final arrangements for Dalia Sabae as organized by her family. She will be buried in Canonsburg. Memorial donations are suggested to the women’s shelter of your choice. To learn more about Dalia and why I am sharing, please read this post.  I have spoken with one of Dalia’s friends who lives in Pittsburgh. […]

Her Name Was Dalia Sabae

Dalia Sabae

Her name was Dalia Elhefny Sabae. She was 28 years old. She was born in Egypt, spent some time living in Moscow and has lived in the United States. According to her Facebook and LinkedIN pages, Dalia was fluent in three languages – American English · Français ·Arabic and proficient in three others – Hebrew, Spanish and Russian. Arabic was her native language. She was also bisexual, interested in both men and women.

Dalia was a dancer. She had been an instructor and worked various jobs as she pursued her education. She earned a pharmacy degree in 2011 and was working on a master’s program through Washington & Jefferson College near her home. Dalia was a pharmacy intern at the time of her death.

Vi, 24, Is Very Concerned About Trans Health Issues in Pittsburgh #AMPLIFY

Trans Pittsburgh

How would you describe yourself NOW in terms of “being out”? I’m personally very open about my sexuality and my gender identity. I will say that being trans is so much harder than being bi. I never want to look masculine in public or private in any way, and would probably live in stealth if I was visually able. I have struggled more after coming out as trans and living my life than I have ever before. It’s extremely disheartening to get turned down from every job since, and be stared at every day.

Alexa, 22, Talks About Acceptance as a Bisexual Woman #AMPLIFY

How would you describe yourself NOW in terms of “being out”? I wouldn’t say I’m fully out but I’m working on it. If I’m talking to people and they ask if I’m seeing anyone I am nervous at first to say I have a girlfriend but I do and I am proud of myself after. I need to get past my concerns on what other people think of me. I need to work on what I think of me. We are “official” on social media and both our families know also.

Lavi, 29, is Trans Queer Bi and Wants Your Respect & Support #AMPLIFY

Name: Lavi

Age: 29

County of Residence: I grew up in Greene county. I moved to Allegheny County when i was 18. Ive lived in Pittsburgh the past 11 years

Preferred Pronouns: She, her

How do you describe your identity? trans queer bi white

Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I started coming out when I was about 15 I think. At that time I found support online. There was an online community of mostly other teenage trans kids we helped each other out with what we could.

I didn’t have support from my family and local community. I felt isolated and alone. I was. I tried to run away but it didn’t work.

I came out more finally when I turned 18 and moved to Pittsburgh. It was finally a time when I could start to be myself and figure out who I am.

I still had trouble finding support. I went to transpitt but felt a big generational gap. I learned a lot tho from Nancy. I always remember her.

Ciora, 27, Says Trans People Have the Strength of Two Souls #AMPLIFY

Pittsburgh Trans Woman

Name: Ciora Thomas

Age: 27

County of Residence: Allegheny

Preferred Pronouns:  she/her/hers

How do you describe your identity? I’m a Bi Transwomn.

Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? My coming out experience wasn’t really a coming out more so i got caught by my step father and my family then turned on me. I found support in downtown Pittsburgh and the GLCC when it was in Squirrel Hill ran by Lyndsey Sickler. I faced many challenges the main being a homeless trans teenager.

Janet, 66, is Bisexual, Cisgender and Gender Nonconforming #AMPLIFY

Bisexual Allegheny County

Name: Janet

Age: 66

County of Residence: Allegheny. I lived in my youth in Cambridge, MA, Bonn, Germany, New Haven CT and Oxford England.

Preferred Pronouns: She, her hers

How do you describe your identity? I am bisexual in my sexual orientation and cisgender but mildly gender non-conforming in my gender presentation.

Dominic, 18, Is a Bisexual Man Finding His Comfort Zone in College #AMPLIFY

Name:  Dominic

Age: 18

County of Residence:  Allegheny County

Preferred Pronouns: He/Him

How do you describe your identity? Cis White Male Bisexual

Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? When I came out, my mom took away my computer for the summer (I came out right at the end of the school year), saying that she was taking it away because of my “porn addiction” and that her taking it away on the same day I came out was coincidental. When I got my computer back for the school year, she installed a religious filter on my computer called Covenant Eyes.