Crap and then there was Podcamp

Crap and then there was Podcamp

Today sucked.  Work was exhausting and I ended the day without completing the majority of it.  I had to play the boss card which is always lacking in funness.  Then I drove 2 hours in the rain on dark roads only to give up and go home so my dinner was a bag of chips.  […]

Weekly Lesbian Round Up: Pittsburgh Style

Weekly Lesbian Round Up: Pittsburgh Style

This weekend boasts National Coming Out Day on Sunday, October 11, 2009. There's this big march you may have heard about … this is a great rallying cry in the video above.  The march has been contentious as has been much of the “gay agenda” as we grow and groups emerge and differing opinions take […]

Comment Moderation

Comment Moderation

Good morning!  Just a quick note to let you know that I've turned on comment moderation for awhile. The pro-donut shop folks are getting a little over the top harassing me, to the point that I've had a casual chat with a lawyer.  They've had plenty of opportunity to make their points and can continue to […]

LGBT Legislative Updates

LGBT Legislative Updates

Two quick items we mentioned last night on Sister ShOUT that are worth your attention. First, legislation introduced in the Senate to amend the Constitution of Pennsylvania so as to define marriage as only between a man and a woman, the so-called Marriage Protection Amendment, has some legs.  It is still in committee, but word […]

For Crying Out Loud … There’s no plans for a Kiss In!

Wow.  The Little Donuts/Razete corner of the world are completing wigging out about the possibility of lesbians kissing in front of their store. They act like we are recruiting the members of POG to join us in a non-state sanctioned act of political dissent involving masks and Burt's Bees chapstick.  Oh, the masks probably would not […]

Urban Spoon allegedly discounting votes?

Urban Spoon allegedly discounting votes?

Receiving reports this morning that “dislike” votes submitted to local restaurant review site The Urban Spoon have been removed. After learning about the alleged deceptive branding practice of local donutter Peace Love and Little Donuts, members of the LGBT community went to Urban Spoon to share their opinions. The approval rating sank from 70% to […]

Sister Shout! talkin’ donuts

Sister Shout! talkin’ donuts

Yep, we'll be covering the twists and turns in the whole wingnut/donut story this weekend, from the blog posts to the response of the Urban Spoon website.  Tune in to hear our take on the importance of company branding when it comes to gay dollars.  The topic of “buying gay” will be a theme we […]

The Bigot Stands Alone; “More men will be abused” warns colleague

The Bigot Stands Alone; “More men will be abused” warns colleague

Poor Darryl Metcalfe. According to the Pittsburgh Tribune Review, the PA Representative from Cranberry has received “lewd, vile and vulgar” e-mails and letters opposing his position. As a Christian, Metcalfe told colleagues, he still believes homosexuality is a “sinful lifestyle.” One of his critics, according to Metcalfe, said he was “hoping I will meet my creator […]

Local Donutter Also Wingnutter

Local Donutter Also Wingnutter

UPDATE:  Local restaurant review site, The Urban Spoon, took down a slew of LGBTQ written comments about this business yesterday.  I complained to the site managers and was told the comments “probably” contained Terms of Service violations, but no specifics (even on my own removed comment).  I asked The Urban Spoon specifically about the relevance […]

The Trumpet Inside Me: Reflections on a Magical Night

The Trumpet Inside Me: Reflections on a Magical Night

What happens when you mix a hard-drinking cougar with a crowd filled with lesbians?  Bedazzle. Last night, an artist looked into my soul and shared my life with the world.  It was like she took all my blog posts and read each one aloud.  Strumming my life on her ukelele.  Ledcat and I stopped in […]