Do local politicans read the Post-Gazette?

By my count, the Post-Gazette has published 11 letters to the editor on the topic of the anti-gay marriage amendment making its way through the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.  Prior to these letters, the PG featured two op-ed pieces on the same topic.  The pro-amendment position came from sponsor, Darryl Metcalfe.  The anti-amendment position came from […]

Let's hear it for Heather from Shaler!

Today, Heather Chirdon of Shaler takes Concerned Women for America to task for their support of the marriage amendment.  The notion of bringing the gay marriage amendment to a referendum vote is laughable. As a woman I feel it is my duty to remind her that the vote she would like to use is the […]

More from PG readers on anti-gay marriage amendment

Apparently, I spoke too soon.   Today's Post-Gazette includes a letter to the editor from Nancy Staible of Zelienople, Pennsylvania Director of Concerned Women for America.  Ms. Staible rambles on about children needing two parents and the fact that married couples are wealthier and less prone to injury.  After reading her letter 4 or 5 times, […]

PG Readers Speak Up For Gay Marriage

The PG has published several letters to the editor in response to Darryl Metcalfe's uninspiring diatribe on the need for a anti-gay marriage amendment.  The letters tend to be from heterosexual people, some parents of gay adult children, who clearly get that not only is Metcalfe scapegoating gays but that he has no business investing […]

Dan Frankel – Anti Gay Marriage Amendment will hurt Pennsylvania

Pennsylvania State Representative Dan Frankel writes a passionate op/ed in today's Post-Gazette.  Frankel, a Democrat and long time progressive ally of the LGBT community, examines the potential damage the marriage protection amendment will do to the gay AND unmarried straight communities. Including senior citizens. The impact could be far reaching – health insurance coverage, foster […]

Bad Gay News from Massachusetts

From comes word that the State Supreme Court will let a 1913 law stand that prohibits clerks from issuing marriage licenses to people from states where their marriage would be illegal.  Originally passed to prohibit interracial marriage, the law has been used to prevent non-Mass. same-sex couples from marrying. According to Pam's House Blend …The […]

Gay Round Up

Lots of goings on today …. From the local front, two letters to the editor in the Post-Gazette. David Schelbe, co-chair of PFLAG Pittsburgh, asks the crucial question — how will amending the Pennsylvani constitution protect marriage? Amy Beisel of the Pennsylvania Catholic Conference opines that a one man/one woman marriage is unique and special, […]

Trib Writer Takes Solace at Gay Bar

The Tribune-Review's Mike Seate enjoys going to True (he doesn't name it, but we all know that's the place he's describing).  He also enjoys the reactions of his straight friends to being in a gay oriented bar.  Seate does a nice job tweaking the social homophobia of men who delusionally believe they are the sexual target of […]

Hypocrites & bigots

Some random notes…Rep. Randy Cunningham's loot came on the auction block last week. You remember Randy? The gentleman who ranted about the evils of gay people but then accepted bribes. The last time I checked, stealing was a big one in the ten commandments, but, uh…being gay …WAS NOT. Also, some observations about who might […]

Another Update on Marriage Amendment

From the ACLU lobbiest: “He feels that we can still win this battle, BUT THE IMPORTANT THING IS TO PUT A HUMAN FACE ON THIS AMENDMENT!  State legislators and state senators need to meet people, both GLBT and straight, who oppose this amendment.  IT IS VERY IMPORTANT to set up district office visits to speak […]