Homo Lovers, Homo Haters Issue Press Releases on Gay Marriage

Here's the latest from our friend Dan Frankel ………  “This amendment would put at risk vital legal protections for thousandsof unmarried same-sex and opposite-sex couples in Pennsylvania,including many senior citizens. Rushing this amendment through wouldjeopardize their inheritance rights and their rights to make medicaldecisions for each other.” And our homohating foe Darryl Metcalfe (shown with […]

Update on Marriage Amendment

From the Value All Families Coalition: The amendment is still active. So far, there has been a motion totable the amendment for two weeks so there could be a public hearingon the amendment. We LOST this motion on a tie vote, 14-14. Thecommittee has now recessed so that the legislators can go intosession. The committee […]

Why Does Jane Orie Hate Gay People?

State Senator Jane Orie is putting her time and energy behind persecuting homosexuals (and the 250,000 unmarried heterosexual couples in Pennsylvania).   (412) 630-9466 Western PA Senate sponsors of  Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitution of theCommonwealth of Pennsylvania, providing for marriage. State Senator Bob Regola – District 39  Greensburg      724-600-7002 State Senator Don […]

PA Legislators Vote on Gay Marriage Amendment on 3/15/2006

Take Action! On March 15th, the Pennsylvania House of Representative's State Government Committee will be voting on HB 2381, the anti-LGBT, anti-family constitutional amendment that would prohibit recognition of same-sex marriage and all unmarried relationships in the Commonwealth. We need your help to stop anti-LGBT activists from writing discrimination into the Pennsylvania Constitution. Pennsylvania state […]

Why John McIntire matters for gay people

Last night, KDKA talk show host John McIntire interviewed a local presbyterian minister under investigation for joining two women in marriage.  Reverend Janet Edwards is facing disciplinary action for officiating at the June 2005 wedding of two lesbians.  A wedding your lesbian correspondent attended.  John and Janet discussed the issue for nearly 45 minutes and […]

Gay Rights Rally Tuesday March 14 in Harrisburg

From the Center for Lesbian & Gay Civil Rights                 The Value All Families Coalition is sponsoring buses from Pittsburgh, Philadelphia and the Lehigh Valley for the March 14th Anti-Amendment rally in Harrisburg. If you are interested in taking a bus from: Philadelphia contact the Center at 215-731-1447 […]

Tribune Review article on local Prebyterian Minister

Fom Monday's Tribune Review. “Marriage is a sacred union of two people who are committed to each other, without regard to gender,” Janet Edwards said. “I do not feel I have done anything wrong. On the contrary, I felt I was holding up the vows of my ordination.” This is an excellent article about a […]

Lesbian Pastor Not Guilty in Same Sex Marriage Trial

From www.365gay.com comes this great news … (Santa Rosa, California) A longtime Presbyterian minister who was the first of her faith to be tried for officiating at the unions of gay couples was acquitted Friday of violating her denomination's position on same-sex marriage. A regional judicial commission of the Presbyterian Church (USA) ruled 6-1 that […]

Pgh Native Presbyterian Minister on trial for gay weddings

In another example of homopersecution, the Presbyterian Church is at it again.  This time, the Reverend Jane Spahr is facing a trial for conducting wedding for same sex couples in 2004 and 2005.  Spahr is a native of Pittsburgh's Northside. Spahr choose to use the term wedding at the couples' request in order to honor […]

Gay Marriage is Good Mental Health

Another story from today's Post-Gazette  According to a policy paper from the National Sexuality Resource Center at San Francisco State University,denying us marraige can lead to mental health problems.  Well, duh! The stress of being a second class citizen will do that you.  Having to rush to your partner's hospital bedside while realizing you left […]