Local Law Firm Specializes in Gay Services

Monday's Post-Gazette featured Buchanan Ingersoll PC's Nontraditional Couples and Families practice group which specializes in LGBT legal work.  [Maureen] Cohon, the wife of Carnegie Mellon University President Jared Cohon, said her firm's nontraditional couples practice began quietly when a friend in a gay relationship asked her about guardianship for a child and drafting a will. After […]

PG Letters to Editor on Gay Issues

A quick round of the PG's latest gay coverage …. First, the ugly.  From Jennifer Freker  of Bethel Park a letter to the PG editor …. God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve! You tell 'em Jennifer.  Make sure we know all about the abnormalities of a Godless society and how much friggin' […]

PA Rep Mike Diven: Homohater AND Illiterate?

It seemed like such a simple request.  She wrote to The Honorable Mike Diven, Republican member of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives.  Her mission?  To ascertain how Diven would vote on the proposed anti-gay marriage amendment to the Pennsylvania Constitution. What Diven offered in response is a testament to why the Democrats should be able […]

PG Condemns Anti-Gay Amendment

This commonwealth doesn't need to write bigotry into its constitution in the name of misplaced morality. This morning the Post-Gazette editors condemn the bill introduced in the PA House of Representatives that would amend the constitution to “protect marriage.”  The PG notes that the amendment's impace reaches far beyond the queer community, threatening unmarried heterosexual […]

Why do these Western PA Democrats Hate Unmarried Heterosexuals?

Here's the list of Western PA State Representatives who have signed on as co-sponsors of the anti-gay marriage amendment.  Legislators who think that this is a valuable use of their time, time not spent on your economy or your property taxes or your health care.  Time not spent funding road repair, public transportation or workplace […]

State Rep. Dan Frankel – A Homo's Best Friend

Pennsylvania State Representative Dan Frankel (D- Allegheny) released a statement on the proposed state constitutional amendment.  Frankel is a long time LGBT ally and, unlike several of his colleagues, recognizes that there are greater threats to Pennsylvania's families than homosexuals.  Things like the economy, property tax reform, education, healthy care and so forth. You tell […]

PA Legislators Hate Gays and Have the Amendment to Prove It

Does this look even remotely like YOUR family?  Today, Pennsylvania legislators unveiled their plan to destroy the families of 20,000 gay and 250,000 heterosexual families.  The heterosexual families, unmarried per the 2000 Census, are the innocent victims in the homo-haters all out war on Pennsylvania's gay families. Rep Scott W. Boyd, R-Lancaster County and Daryl Metcalfe, […]

Trib Columnist Condemns Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment

I missed this last week.  The Trib's Dimitri Vassilaros opined against the PA legislative attempt to constitutionalize hate and discrimination.   Whenever a judge or legislative body in a state say that homosexuals have the same marriage rights as heterosexuals, it promotes more marriage. Denying gays and lesbians that right is anything but protecting marriage — it's […]

CP's Marty Levine on Anti-Gay Marriage Amendment

In the latest City Paper, intrepid homofan Marty Levine takes a brief look at the latest political maneuvers in Harrisburg where homohaters have launched another drive to constitutionalize discrimination.  It boils down to this But as with all debates about gay rights, the issue seems to boil down to conservative fears about the sexuality of […]

Rhode Island Gays Hit With Federal Tax Penalties

Well, you knew it wouldn't be too long before the clash between state and federal acknowledgement (or lack thereof) of same sex partnerships would create turmoil.  Rhode Island has just sent notices to domestic partners of state employees informing them that the health and insurance benefits they received are federally taxable income.  And the state […]