Not in Our Town: Pittsburgh LGBTQIA + Commission Statement on Anti-Trans Radio Ads

Statement from the City of Pittsburgh LGBTQIA+ Commission regardingthe bigoted anti-transgender radio advertisement airing on certain localradio stations: Not in Our Town. Disclosure: I am a member of this Commission and currently serve as a co-chair. I also helped to draft this statement. I am available for comment. ~ Sue Commissioners: Kathi Boyle • Nekia […]

WAMO 107.3 FM Pulls Ad; The Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers Condemns the Vicious Anti-Transgender Ad Running on Local Radio Stations

Pittsburgh Radio Stations Transphobia

A bit more ‘good’ news. The Pittsburgh Federation of Teachers issued a statement and worked with Pittsburgh Public Schools to convince WAMO 107.3 to pull the ad. WAMO airs the PPS football game broadcasts, creating a conflict with the District’s nondiscrimination policies and values. Five to go: KDKA AM, WDVE 103.5, Y108, WISH 99.7, and […]

Update on Pgh Radio Stations Airing Anti-Trans Ad Targeting Children

It is exhausting to have to fight this battle station by station. I am incredibly disappointed that allies with power and influence are not responding to advocate for trans kids. These stations represent the Pirates, Penguins, and Steelers. They have contracts with Pittsburgh Public Schools to air football games. I’m sure there are other stations […]

Lisa Cunningham, Former Editor-in-Chief of the Pittsburgh City Paper, Issues Statement About Sudden Resignation

Lisa Cunningham Pittsburgh City Paper

This is a public statement from Lisa Cunningham, former editor-in-chief of the Pittsburgh City Paper. She resigned today after nearly 25 years with the publication. Read on to see how the overlords at the Butler Eagle not only undermined the strike of the Post-Gazette employees by printing the paper, but apparently treat their City Paper […]

Open Letter to Pittsburgh On-Air Radio Talent From Father of Black Trans Teen

Protect Trans Kids

Sean O’Donnell and his family have had a rough year coping with a transphobic neighbor’s harassment. They’ve responded by holding her accountable in multiple courts of law and by supporting the #ProtectTransKids projects. Hearing the transphobic ad airing in Pittsburgh’s media market is a step too far. After he learned that the staff at KISS […]

Warning: Pittsburgh Radio Stations Airing Vicious Anti-Trans Ad

CN: transphobia, poor science, lies, radio stations Last week, word spread on Facebook that some of our beloved local radio stations were airing a vicious transphobic spot. Some attach disclaimers, others do not. The stations that others have identified to me include WDVE 102.5, WAMO 107.3, WISH 99.7, WKST 96.1, WLTJ 92.9, and WDSY 108 […]

That Time My 11 Year Old Nibling Connected Representation in ‘The Little Mermaid’ to ‘The Cross Connection’ on MSNBC

My nibling,11, hanging with me this AM while The Cross Connection with Tiffany Cross on mute. He watched while we chatted, then said “Everyone on this news show looks like me.” He’s Black. He said “Is this like the new #LittleMermaid for adults?” So there you go Princess Tiffany D. Cross Follow up – we […]

Dani Janae Profiles Yours Truly For GLAAD

GLAAD asked me whom I would like to write a profile of me for their blog. Without hesitation, I said “Dani Janae” … the very week she was moving away from Pittsburgh! She crafted this article: Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents’ Sue Kerr is Paying Tribute to LGBTQ Individuals who Lost Their Lives to Violence What I […]

Pittsburgh LGBTQIA+ Commission Editorial in the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

In honor of Pride Month, the City of Pittsburgh LGBTQIA+ Commission crafted an editorial that was published in today’s Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. Today is June 28, 2022. The first day of the Stonewall Uprising began on June 28, 1969. I am sharing the entire piece here which is something I would not normally do. But the […]

My Love Letter Lost to Bitch Media

At age 51, I cannot remember a time when Bitch Media (originally the magazine, then the website, too) was not part of my day to day life. I also cannot remember how I was introduced to Bitch. It was just there in my adult consciousness. Now it will no longer be here. Bitch Media is […]