We Are All In This Together

The internet has recently been swept up by the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Is there a cause — social, political, cultural, or other — you passionately believe in? Tell us how you got involved — or why you don’t get involved. This ALS ice-bucket fundraiser seems to be a really touchy topic. I believe it is perfectly fine […]

True Blood Does Nothing For Me

True Blood

When was the last time a movie, a book, or a television show left you cold despite all your friends (and/or all the critics) raving about it? What was it that made you go against the critical consensus? There are so many reasons I should love “True Blood” and yet I am no friend of […]

ROY G BIV is a Friend of Mine

Mnemonic Device

When was the last time you experienced writer’s block? What do you think brought it about — and how did you dig your way out of it? What do you think of when I say the term “mnemonic device”? My most recent bout of writer’s block hit me last week, “write” after Ledcat left for her […]

Towanda in the Amtrak Parking Lot

Pittsburgh Parking

We often capture strangers in photos we take in public. Open your photo library, and stop at the first picture that features a person you don’t know. Now tell the story of that person.   Last week, I went to pick Ledcat up from the Amtrak station which is on Liberty Avenue in Downtown Pittsburgh. […]

I’m Jealous of Chris Potter’s Coffee Mates

Pittsburgh lesbian

We all get jealous from time to time — what wakes the green-eyed monster for you? Travel – I wish we could travel. Part of it is cost, of course, but part of it is the practical needs of the pets. We made a commitment to take care of them which they return to us […]

Forget the Glory Days – Make a New List

Glory Days Bucket Lists

What are your thoughts on aging? How will you stay young at heart as you get older? They say you are growing old (or dying) when you start creating bucket lists. So let’s give it a shot Five Things I Want To Do Before I Turn Fifty (in 6.5 years) See the Pacific Ocean in […]

When I Wish Upon a Well

wishing well

Have you ever tossed a coin or two into a fountain and made a wish? Did it come true? Yes, I have. But I cannot recall the wishes. I can’t remember that last time that I came across a wishing well. So I’m sharing a parody of a song that has a line “I made […]

I Saw Ledcat Lingering

Tell us about times in which you linger — when you don’t want an event, or a day to end. What is it you love about these times? Why do you wish you could linger forever? I linger where and when I find contentment. Sometimes that’s by myself in a coffeehouse sipping a beverage I […]

No News Here

Newsmakers? Did you have a female ancestor who made the news? Why? Was she famous or notorious? Did she appear in the social column? I’ve been in the news quite a bit, usually because I’m being mouthy about some issue or cause or something – like helping poor people or fighting discrimination. And yeah there […]

The Best Friend I Ever Had

Tell us the origin story of your best friend. This is a sad story so it took me awhile to write it today. I met John in the spring of 1985. His mother purchased the house next to my parents and I saw him in the driveway one day unloading his car – he was […]