In 2014, I Plan to Spend Time With A Lot of White Straight Men

Sue Kerr Bill Peduto

When you look back at your blog on January 2, 2015, what would you like to see? My exclusive interview with Executive Editor of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette David Shribman about language, media and style guides. Follow up on the investigations into the assault of two queer women of color at Margaritaville, two queer white men […]

If I Were a Mystical Being …

You have been transformed into a mystical being who has the ability to do magic. Describe your new abilities in detail. How will you use your new skills? Oh, this is an easy one. I would use my power like any sensible person – to do the housework and other chores.   OK, seriously, (I […]

How To Do Less With Less

Gary Vaynerchuk

The Prompt: What do you want to do less of in 2014? I’m striving for relentlessly upbeat here. First, drive less. In 2013, I put less than 500 miles on my personal car. Granted, we put a lot of miles on Laura’s vehicle, but overall I drove a lot less. How I will accomplish this will […]

It’s the terror of knowing What this world is about

Lesbian Blogging

My blogging during September was erratic, in part due to being depressed and physically sick. So I decided to give NaBloPoMo a try in October – National Blog Post Month is hosted monthly by BlogHer to encourage frequent blogging. I tried it last year and it went well so I figured it would be helpful. […]

Being Struck By Lightning Helped Lighten Their Loads

tote bags food bank

The Prompt: Tell us about a time you’d been trying to solve a knotty problem — maybe it was an interpersonal problem, a life problem, a big ol’ problem — and you had a moment of clarity when the solution appeared to you, as though you were struck by lightening. OK, so first I have […]

Five Things I Did To Make Myself a Merry Christmas

donation coat and blanket

I answered the daily prompt about writing a note when I’ve visited a new place. This year, I worked hard for Christmas. Not shopping, cleaning or cooking. I worked hard on my attitude. And it paid off. The holidays are really hard for so many of us, an emotional flashpoint for anxiety, depression, addiction and […]

Our Family Christmas House Putz

Christmas House putz

The Prompt: Merry Christmas (if you’re Christian)! Share a photo from your day. Also the best holiday ever is sometimes learning what happened back in the day to create your modern customs. Merry Christmas! These photos capture the spirit of a family tradition stemming from my father’s maternal relatives – the Remleys. They were German and […]

Guilt, PTSD and a Dog Named Jack

Daily Prompt: The Guilt that Haunts Me  Share a time when you were overcome with guilt. What were the circumstances? How did you overcome your guilt? What an interesting prompt that happens to fall on Christmas Eve when the ghosts of Christmases past, present and future haunt Ebeneezer Scrooge. I’ve been really enamored of A […]

Why I Am Spewing All This Heavy Stuff On My Blog

kindness mental illness

Someone recently told me that they’ve enjoyed reading my NaBloPoMo posts where I respond to a daily prompt because it helps them get to know me better and makes them think. That’s high praise. Inspiring people to think is pretty much the end goal for a blog (with occasional calls to action, of course.) I’m […]

Who Is My Number One Person?

The Prompt: Who is the most important person in your life? Describe that person in as great a detail as you can muster and most importantly, tell us why you cherish this person.   [slideshow_deploy id=’5857′]