Pedestals are for Works of Art

put people on pedastal

The Prompt: Who is the person in your life who can do no wrong? Describe this person and tell us why you hold them in such high esteem. I have no idea what this type of relationship is like. So I asked my therapist – she told me that the idea of absolutely trusting someone to […]

The Road Not Taken Does Not Exist (And Doesn’t Lead to Pittsburgh Anyway)

Pittsburgh Road Less Traveled

You may have noticed that I bounce back and forth between two different set of daily prompts, Daily Prompts and BlogHer. Today, however, I found a common thread so I’m going to use both prompts The Prompt: Unexpectedly, you lose your job. (Or a loved one. Or something or someone important to you.) What do […]

Out Of My Reach

Betsy Wetsy

The Prompt:  Out of Your Reach – Was there a toy or thing you always wanted as a child, during the holidays or on your birthday, but never received? Tell us about it.  This might make you laugh – I wanted a real Betsy Wetsy baby doll. Keep in mind that I was the youngest of […]

The Water Bowl

dogs old dogs aging dogs

Daily Prompt: Write about a noise — or even a silence — that won’t go away. (We’ll let you interpret this in different ways…) There’s a noise that drives me absolutely insane, right up the wall on the aggravation scale. And my abiding fear is that one day – possibly soon – it will go away. […]

We All Want To Go Back to Graduate School

Graduate_School, intellectual conversation

Daily Prompt: What’s your learning style? Do you prefer learning in a group and in an interactive setting? Or one-on-one? Do you retain information best through lectures, or visuals, or simply by reading books? I’m going to take the middle road and say “both.” I love to read. It’s fair to say I’ve learned more […]

Dear World. The End.

Pittsburgh Lesbian

Daily Prompt: You have 15 minutes to address the whole world live (on television or radio — choose your format). What would you say? “Dear World, Please read my blog. There’s a reason why I opted for this media to share my thoughts and insight rather than accepting 15 minutes of fame and a microphone. Thank […]

Saturday Memory: The Little Drummer Boy via Rankin and Bass

Drummer Boy

I’m a huge fan of Rankin and Bass stop motion specials, but one really stood out for me – The Little Drummer Boy from 1968. I have several memories of sitting cross-legged in front of our family television watching it and trying to put it in perspective with the lessons I was learning about Christmas […]

I Wanna Go To Starbucks for Adult Conversation

lesbian cat

The Prompt: What do you wish you had more time to do each day? Oh, this is easy – I would  like more time to talk with Ledcat. Our morning conversations are usually a series of short grunts, mumbles, reminders as she gets ready to leave for work and I try to get ready to do […]

These Are Five of My Favorite Things

Sound of Music

A classic question, revisited: what are the five items you must have on a deserted island? It is a challenge to take this question seriously – it’s so pop psychology meets Facebook meme with a dash of 19th century fascination with all things exotic and deserted thrown in for good measure. I mean you rationalize […]

The Tow Truck Driver Drove a Chariot

Daily Prompt: Sink or Swim Tell us about a time when you were left on your own, to fend for yourself in an overwhelming situation — on the job, at home, at school. What was the outcome? Once upon a time, I drove a group of adults with developmental disabilities to Harrisburg to participate in […]