Can Lesbians Disappear At Will?

Daily Prompt: Now You See Me You have a secret superpower: the ability to appear and disappear at will. When and where will you use this new superpower? Tell us a story. I’m stumped. Thinking of a scenario where the unexpected appearance of a middle-aged white lesbian who can barely use a pen doesn’t exactly […]

Overheard At Work: “Tone Down the Gay”

Daily Prompt: Hear No Evil Tell us about a conversation you couldn’t help but overhear and wish you hadn’t. One day, I attended an early morning work meeting (this was awhile ago) and made casual conversation with the others in attendance by sharing an anecdote about the gas company waking Ledcat and me up super […]

Who Needs a Tattoo? I’ve Got A Blog!

Pittsburgh Lesbian

Daily Prompt:  Do you have a tattoo? If so, what’s the story behind your ink? If you don’t have a tattoo, what might you consider getting emblazoned on you skin? I do not have a tattoo. When I was in my late twenties, I proclaimed that I would get a tattoo to celebrate turning 30. […]

Saturday Memory: Do You Ever Feel Like a Misfit Toy?

Of course you remember this scene from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer. It is probably the one most of us relate to, even if we don’t have had a red nose. In the original version, there was no follow up visit to the Island of Misfit Toys. Viewers were so taken by the forlorn Misfit […]


The Prompt:  Keeping up with the Jones’  Tell us about the one luxury item you wish you could afford, in as much detail as you can. Paint a picture for us. I had to ask Ledcat to help me figure this one out. I have two answers. First, I would like a new laptop and a notebook […]

Just Sayin’

Rick Santorum internship

Thursday, November 28, 2013  How do you feel about the first blog post you ever wrote?/What is your greatest fear? This was my first post – written on December 29, 2005. – None of our nieces or nephews were yet born (eldest was on her way and born the following morning.) – I thought Santorum […]

14 Random Goals for 2014

For those of you anxious about the pre-Thanksgiving Christmas music, this might blow your mind – I was prompted to share my New Year’s Resolutions for 2014. I can’t honestly think that deeply right now. So here are some random things I’d like to do in 2014. 1. Dust off the Wii and see what […]

It’s like a cake and a cookie.

The Prompt: Tell us about the favorite dish or food that you simply cannot turn down. This is surprisingly difficult to answer. I suppose “brownies” is both most likely to be offered and most likely not to be turned down. I’ve loved brownies since I was a kid and met the “10 minute mix” box. Actually, […]

It Was Just a Fender Bender

The Prompt: Tell us about a bullet you’re glad you dodged — when something awful almost happened, but didn’t. It wasn’t my first car accident, but it was one of the first where I was a passenger. Laura and I were toodling along McKnight Road preparing to go to the grocery store. The vehicle in […]

Are We Good At Blogging?

The Prompt: Are you good at what you do? What would you like to be better at? This is an interestingly timed question – last week was a heady experience on our blog as the posts on “Mike and Molly” took off, breaking records for days on end. Then came the Huffington Post response, nearly 10,000 […]