What Would a Million Dollars Worth of Tampons Look Like?

The Prompt: If you found one million dollars in the morning and had to spend it by nightfall, what would you do with the money? This is not a big challenge. 1. I’d pay off my outstanding debts – I guess I’d have to use online banking. Hmmm.I wonder if there’s a contingency for paying […]

Do You Eat the Toast?

The prompt: In your experience in life, does bread always fall on the buttered side? Here’s a “scientific” explanation of why toast falls butter side down. So this is really about perspective – do crappy things always happen or happen most of the time? But I ask – is the floor clean? And is there […]

Go Beyond

Catching fire Arena Map

The Prompt: Confucius said, “To go beyond is as wrong as to fall short.” Do you agree? Setting aside my previous discourse on quotes without context, I’m going to give this a good faith try. I’m reminded of doing the long jump in high school track – you need to hit your mark. Or playing […]

Fall Ahead?

The Prompt: Do you prefer to spring forward or fall back? I love sleep, but I loathe disruptions to seasons, times, days, etc. Falling back is fun in the sense of getting one extra hour, but I’m usually awake because its “time to be awake” and spend that extra time on Facebook. Or something. Anyone with […]

Malcolm X and Blogher

The Prompt: Malcolm X said, “A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.” Discuss. My first thought was that as a middle class white woman, I needed to get more context on this quote before wading in. I did read Malcolm X in college so I had a sense that this quote wouldn’t be […]

‘Til You Wise Up

The Prompt: When was the last time you felt as if things were falling apart? How was the situation resolved? This famous scene from “Magnolia” came to mind when I read this question. Wise Up It’s not What you thought When you first began it You got What you want Now you can hardly stand […]

Why would anyone want to celebrate another year of me?

I sit here nearing the end of October and simply overwhelmed with grief at all that I’ve missed this autumn, nearly every autumn. No leaves, no haunted house, no giant rubber duck picture, no brisk walks at dusk. I missed most of the film festival and all of the animal Halloween costume contests. Laura has […]

I’m Not a Fool

The Prompt: Are you easily tricked? Do you fall for things? Sure, I fall for things and people and ideas all of the time. I also fall for pranks and lines and ridiculously catchy pop songs.  I’m susceptible to feel good stories, perhaps because I hear so many of the opposite kind. But I’m not a […]

We fall through life as much as we climb through it


The Prompt: Are you scared of heights or do you love looking down from a high point? When I was a kid, I would set up the ladder and scurry up on the roof of our ranch house. I couldn’t see much from the front and I was a little frightened of going onto the back […]

To Sleep Or Not To Sleep

The Prompt: How long does it take you to fall asleep? I’m starting this post wide awake at 11 while everyone else is asleep. That in spite of the fact that I am still sick and felt bone tired earlier. And I take bedtime meds that are slightly sedating. Typically, I fall asleep soon after […]