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When Harry Met Sally and Sue

You get to spend a day inside your favorite movie. Tell us which one it is — and what happens to you while you’re there. So this is a fun prompt. And I need a bit of fun, so here we go. One of my favorite movie’s is When Harry Met Sally. It is funny, heartfelt and […]

Are You a Homosexualizer?

What’s the best (or rather, worst) backhanded compliment you’ve ever received?  Oh my, the list of insults guised as compliments is pretty long.  First, there are the homosexualizers – people who use slurs and derogatory or dated language, but insist they love me. One of the frequent offenders is “sexual preference” which I’ve written about […]

This Is Why I Use the Facebook Check-In Tool And You Should Too

Facebook Check-In

I recently saw a disgruntled status update from a Facebook friend announcing that he wanted to “block check-ins” because he didn’t bloody care where we are spending our time. I get that. Facebook is filled with all sorts of frivolous and irritating information about our friends, things we don’t have a need to know. But […]

We Are All In This Together

The internet has recently been swept up by the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. Is there a cause — social, political, cultural, or other — you passionately believe in? Tell us how you got involved — or why you don’t get involved. This ALS ice-bucket fundraiser seems to be a really touchy topic. I believe it is perfectly fine […]

ArtisticVisionPgh QnA With Dale Capellanio

This Q&A series focuses on artists contributing to the #ArtisticVisionPgh project cosponsored by Most Wanted Fine Art and Penn Avenue Eyewear. Next up is Dale Capellanio.  Name: Dale Capellanio Did you grow up with any siblings, friends or schoolmates who wore glasses? Was it a big deal with other kids? My grand parents wore glasses and my […]

Towanda in the Amtrak Parking Lot

Pittsburgh Parking

We often capture strangers in photos we take in public. Open your photo library, and stop at the first picture that features a person you don’t know. Now tell the story of that person.   Last week, I went to pick Ledcat up from the Amtrak station which is on Liberty Avenue in Downtown Pittsburgh. […]

Ten Fabulous “Special Rights” for LGBTQ Public Employees

Special Rights Gay

In response to the conversation about domestic partner benefits from PA municipal employers such as Allegheny County and the City of Pittsburgh, some have raised concerns that same-sex couples will be receiving “special gay privileges” which is unfair to unmarried heterosexual employees. It is probably fair to look back into history at the civil rights movement and […]

Dear Persistent Passive-Aggressive Nice Guy

Passive-Aggressive Nice Guy

UPDATE – since I wrote this post in June 2014, this man has continued making donations to all causes I post on my blog, including one this week tying my LGBTQ project to Orlando. When I shared that with people, responses varied from how important it is for me to keep writing to rationalizations. Each […]

Comes To Life? Are You Kidding Me?


One day, your favorite piece of art — a famous painting or sculpture, the graffiti next door — comes to life. What happens next? I’m wracking my brains on this one. This is what I’ve come up with 1. My favorite calendar is cats gone crazy. Unleashing a herd of calendar cats in my home […]