I’d Rather Remember My 39th Birthday

Do you still feel pressure of conform? If no, what age did it stop? Also, Write a post inspired by your sixteenth birthday. Oh, my dear question generator, you are obviously not part of a subculture or a subculture within a subculture. The “pressure to conform” to being straight is all around you. Open the newspaper […]

CoffeeHouse Tour 2014: Delanie’s Coffee on the South Side

Coffee House Review

Part of my 2014 Adventures in New Experiences is a little mini-resolution to try at least one new coffeehouse each month. For January, I chose Delanie’s Coffee on the South Side. It in the 1700 block near our favorite restaurant (Cambod-Ican Kitchen) so we’ve walked by a dozen times. Usually a soon to be expiring […]

Gold Star Lesbian

Gold Star Lesbian

So this made me laugh. I recently earned my “Gold Star” status from Starbucks thanks to copious amount of dark roast and chai lattes for Ledcat. Now I get free refills! You might be familiar with the term “Gold Star” lesbian which usually refers to a lesbian who has not had sexual intercourse with a […]

How To Fold A Tote Bag (Project)

Tell us about a time things came this close to working out… but didn’t. What happened next? Would you like the chance to try again, or are you happy with how things eventually worked out? This is a prompt guaranteed to launch a thousand “what might have been” tales of woe and heartache. Once upon a time, […]

Facebook! Like Us, Please!

Facebook Lesbian Pittsburgh


He Doesn’t Mind, But I Do

Winter Coat Donate Pittsburgh

A pressure point translates in Japanese to “tender spot.” What are your pressure points? Tell us about the experience of being outside, looking in — however you’d like to interpret that. The interesting thing about pressure points is that you have to apply the right amount of pressure and in just the right direction to trigger […]

FURTHER UPDATED: Beaver County LGBTQ Activist Has a Dying Wish

Cathy Cairns

UPDATE: Please note that the goal was increased due to the realization that a burial plot was not paid off as they originally thought. Many of you know Cathy Cairns. She has been a familiar face at many LGBTQ community events as well as an active participant in housing development projects. I am very sad […]

Do More Of These Things in 2014

Dog Coat

The Prompt: What Do You Want To Do More of in 2014? This is a companion post to yesterday’s prompt. First, I want to walk more and use more public transportation. The T stop is less than a mile from my front door so there’s no real reason I shouldn’t be using it to go Downtown. […]

Unemployment Benefits Cut in Pennsylvania; Where LGBTQ Unemployed Can Turn

gay unemployment

73,000 Pennsylvanians stopped receiving emergency unemployment compensation yesterday due to the expiration of a federal extension launched under the Bush Administration. 73,000 of our neighbors without a job and with no income in a still terrible economy where Fight Club determines which person gets the PT barista job. I don’t really have a lot that’s […]

Guilt, PTSD and a Dog Named Jack

Daily Prompt: The Guilt that Haunts Me  Share a time when you were overcome with guilt. What were the circumstances? How did you overcome your guilt? What an interesting prompt that happens to fall on Christmas Eve when the ghosts of Christmases past, present and future haunt Ebeneezer Scrooge. I’ve been really enamored of A […]