Let’s Remember Teens Can Be Lonely at The Holidays, Too

When I worked for a foster care agency, it used to break my heart that the teens were often lost in the system. And as the person who organized the holiday projects, it fell to me to figure out how to solicit donations appropriate for their age group. This is not easy. Most programs are […]

SRRK in the USA – Hey!

The Prompt: If you had to switch your first name, what name would you choose and why? My full name is Susan Rebecca Rachel Kerr. I was named after my mother’s sister (Susan) and an alleged great-great grandmother (Rebecca.) Legend has it that my mother wanted to name me Rebecca Susan and call me Becky Sue. […]

The Couch

The Prompt: Tell us about your writing space. Where do you write your blog posts? For the past 7 years, I have composed nearly all of my blog posts from the right side of our blue love seat using my 7+ year old Dell Inspiron Laptop. Occasionally, I’ve used a library computer or my phone. But this […]

What Would a Million Dollars Worth of Tampons Look Like?

The Prompt: If you found one million dollars in the morning and had to spend it by nightfall, what would you do with the money? This is not a big challenge. 1. I’d pay off my outstanding debts – I guess I’d have to use online banking. Hmmm.I wonder if there’s a contingency for paying […]

Who Do Our Allies Really Welcome to the Table?

Tonight, I have no tact, I’m paranoid and I don’t understand how collaboration works. So the gatekeeper decides that I do not get access to my elected official unless I explain myself to him first. This is why I hate that so many elected officials have gmail accounts that are screened by staff anyway. What’s […]

Malcolm X and Blogher

The Prompt: Malcolm X said, “A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything.” Discuss. My first thought was that as a middle class white woman, I needed to get more context on this quote before wading in. I did read Malcolm X in college so I had a sense that this quote wouldn’t be […]

I’ve Got a Brontosaurus

Well, this explains the perpetual funk I’ve been in for days … I’ve got a good old-fashioned case of bronchitis. Just came home from MedExpress where not only did I get diagnosed but I was politely required to take a breathing treatment, then wait 30 minutes to drive. Wow. Fortunately, I’ve had a pneumonia shot […]

Remotely Interesting

Why would anyone want to celebrate another year of me?

I sit here nearing the end of October and simply overwhelmed with grief at all that I’ve missed this autumn, nearly every autumn. No leaves, no haunted house, no giant rubber duck picture, no brisk walks at dusk. I missed most of the film festival and all of the animal Halloween costume contests. Laura has […]

NaBloPoMo: Costume Redux

Hallloween costumes

The Prompt: Tell us about your favourite Halloween costume from childhood. I can only remember 3. When I was just in school, my parents bought me a store made Super Girl costume. The type in a cardboard box with a pieve of cellophane through which you could see the mask. It was blond, sculpted perfection to […]