Giveaway & Interview: Mary Gauthier at Club Cafe on Weds Sept 25

The first time I heard Mary Gauthier sing was on WYEP (shocker, huh?) a few years before I met Ledcat. The Louisiana connection caught me right away. I was struck by her stoic interview in contrast with her raw music and lyrics. Gauthier is coming to Pittsburgh on Wednesday September 25, performing at Club Cafe […]

Feeling Blue

I’ve been blue. It is medical in nature as most things are, but it has been exacerbated by real life situations. And my main coping/medical strategy is to “hang in there” until some med adjustments kick-in. I sleep a lot. I haven’t really been eating and I don’t have much to say. I try watching […]

What I Noticed at the GLCC Today

So I had a 10 AM mtg at the GLCC – Pittsburgh’s LGBTQ Community Center –  which meant that I passed youth waiting for the official opening at 12 PM. It was raining and humid and uncomfortable. The youth were politely standing to the side in the hallway, keeping the stairway clear. They were wearing rain […]

Why Pink Doesn’t Exist

Found this on the delightful website Brain Pickings … watch this fantastic explanation of how the color pink exists even though pink light doesn’t.

I Don’t Need A Class Reunion, I Have Facebook

The year was 1998. I was partway through my first semester of graduate school and ready to celebrate ten years of post-high school excitement. It was a nice event even though I was on my own. I saw some old friends and one nemesis who actually apologized to me. It was also a little sad […]

Bullies With Buggies – How Register Rage Blinds Otherwise Reasonable People to The Facts

I never really understood why or how people manage to monitor the grocery shopping habits of other people in their line.  Yes, I might glance in someone’s cart while waiting my turn in line, but I tend to look away – sort of good manners dictating that I not stare at what people are purchasing. […]

Time lapse video of Knit the Bridge installation

Why the LGBTQ Community Needs a Pittsburgh Dad Moment

I have a Pittsburgh Dad. He’s 72, worked in the steel mills for 50+ years, grew up in Brentwood, loves the Stillers and all the rest. He’s a socially conservative Republican Roman Catholic who doesn’t believe in climate change or unions, but he’s fine with his lesbian daughter. I  think he’s especially proud that my […]

Dear UPMC – I Am Not “Other”

I’ve been at UPMC Shadyside since 6 AM as Ledcat is having some routine procedures. Like many others, I awoke early, dealt with an already crowded parking garage and sent my better half off to “the back” with a wee bit of anxiety. Just another family member. Except UPMC says I’m not. According to their […]

More Facebook Style Homophobia – Facebook, Apparently, Likes Jags?

So if God Hates Jags and Facebook rejects a paid post that says so, does that mean Facebook does not hate jags or that they might even like jags? Could Facebook secretly be teaming up with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette to redeem the jagoff? Do you think anyone at Facebook HQ knows what a jag is? […]