What is the Deal With These Ads On Your Site, Sue?

So perhaps you’ve noticed that we’ve recently added some advertising on our blog? Let me backup into blogger mentality. Two buzzwords in our community are “corporatization” and “sustainable model.” Coporatization is the (necessary) evil of patronage, sponsorships and so forth. There used to be a time when the ads in the pride guide were all […]

Kitty Meme! I Read Lesbian Blogs!

Chicks in the Hood – Urban Chicken Coop Fundraiser for Just Harvest

This Sunday, June 9, Pgh folks can get up close and personal with urban chickens via the the 3rd Annual Chicks-in-the-Hood tour of urban chicken homesteads throughout the Northside and East End of the City. The tour will introduce adults and children to the different types of chickens, coops and lifestyles of urban homesteading in […]

LGBTQ&A: Christopher Whitlatch Believes Diversity is Good for Everyone

An occasional series where we pose some questions to local LGBTQ folks (and Allies) to learn more about their personal experiences with LGBTQ culture. Click here for a complete list of all LGBTQ&A profiles.  During Pride 2013, we are trying to feature someone each day.  I met Christopher through a storytelling performance at Bricolage Theater – […]

LGBTQ&A: vanessa german. artist. lover. citizen

An occasional series where we pose some questions to local LGBTQ folks (and Allies) to learn more about their personal experiences with LGBTQ culture. Click here for a complete list of all LGBTQ&A profiles.  During Pride 2013, we are trying to feature someone each day. The first time I saw Vanessa perform was at a queer […]

Thank You For Being a Friend, Ya Jagoff

A week ago, I discovered my CRV had a broken window – likely due to the brick resting ever so gently against the seat inside the car. Broken glass everywhere. We called the police, contacted insurance, filed reports, notified the neighbors, etc. Then we cleaned out the car. Sigh. I had a carton of reusable […]

Let’s Tax Fireworks to fund Veterans Programs in Pennsylvania

Texas has a “special tax” on fireworks to fund rural fire departments. I think that makes sense – there’s a clear connection between stupid people who intentionally set things afire and rural fire department resources. I propose a similar tax – 2% – on the sale of fireworks in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to fund […]

Happy “Anaversary” to Our Little Pooch

Adopt a dog

Five years ago today, we drove to Indiana County to meet and bring home our first “co-parented” addition to our family – Ana. She was in a rescue called Starfish to the Sea – we found her on Petfinder. She’s a little happy-go-lucky prima donna mix now. Favorite activities include ninja stealth attacks on the […]

UPDATED: PWSA Shenanigans For Wagner Campaign?

This report is in from a Peduto poll watcher. “I was a watcher for Mr. Peduto in the 10th Ward today. I was disturbed to see a PWSA truck pull up to our polling place, and hand off several Jack Wagner signs, as well as a few other various handouts. It was obvious to me […]

Happy 50th Birthday Ledcat!

We can’t believe she’s 50 either! This blog would not exist without her support, help, encouragement and patience during the past 7.5 years – and her occasional actual blog posts. This is a sample of photos she’s graciously posed for to use as blog content. 🙂