“Sodom and Gomorrah in Your Face” and Other Stupid Things Haters Say

Letter To The Editor Pittsburgh

We love letters to the editor and Pittsburgh has been unusually prolific of late.   Over at the Post-Gazette website you’ll find this dialogue unfolding, replete with LOTS of comments. Daniel J. Robinson of West Deer goes to bat for the Bible trumping the Constitution. He also seems to have missed a year or so of […]

Freedom to Marry Ohio

I recently joined the Freedom to Marry Ohio as a steering committee co-chair. As neighbors, the prospect of Ohio bringing marriage equality to it’s state, should be very encouraging to Pennsylvania residents. The goal of Freedom to Marry Ohio is to repeal section 11 of the Ohio Constitution  That section states:           […]

Eco-Wednesday: Recycling Medication

Things you should not do with expired or unused medication:  Give to someone else to use or leave where someone else can access it without your knowledge (major source for overdoses and abuse by kids/teens) Put into the trash (poisons ground, groundwater and possibly wildlife that ingest it) Flush in toilet/down sink  (water system not […]

Pgh High School Student Bashes, Blames LGBTQ Families for Her College Rejection

There’s something to be said for bitterness fueled by the rapt audience of the Wall Street Journal. Pittsburgh student at Taylor Allderdice High School Suzy Lee Weiss is angry that she wasn’t accepted into the college of her choice and has chosen to take out her anger on … pretty much anyone who doesn’t fit […]

All the Red Equality Memes!

So I spent my day pouring through Supreme Court updates and … collecting memes as they unfolded. Memes based on the red HRC equality sign. I found over 35 versions. Check them out here.  Memes with bacon, Siracha sauce, apples, Muppets, SNL characters, and what I think is a sloth. People are very creative. Grumpy […]

Eco-Wedneday: Tote Bags, Baby

I’ve been trying to come up with some fun twist on “greening the pink” community but nothing quite works (green + pink = blah anyway.) Still, in the interest that environmental issues are LGBTQ issues, I’m trying to dedicate a little blog space to the green knowledge I’ve picked up over the past two years. […]

My Marriage Equality Icon for Facebook


What I Like About You! You Really Use Facebook Well!

When you post up, down, all around … well, okay, that’s hard to work into this theme. But we are closing in on 500 likes on our Facebook page. Can you help us reach the goal this month? Click on the logo OR use the like box in the right hand column. What do you […]

Tonight – Rev Janet Edwards Leads Interfaith Worship Service “Lifting Up Marriage Equality With Prayer

“I am certain one theme in the Monday night event will be that whatever the SCOTUS does will be only a point on the arc of justice and definitely not the end point.” Tonight, an Interfaith prayer service will take place at the First United Methodist Church, 7 PM. (Aiken and Centre in Shadyside.) Worship […]

More Kitty Memes …