Cute Cat Moment

Cat Redux

Well, that should read reduction. We aren’t reducing the number of cats, just their weights. We have three overweight cats who are now on a diet. And unhappy about it. We had to strategically balance the senior cats need to access food on demand with the dreaded removal of dry food. So we determined that […]

LGBTQ&A: Bram Reichbaum – Blogger, Ally

An occasional series where we pose some questions to local LGBTQ (and Allies) to learn more about their personal experiences with LGBTQ culture. Bram Reichbaum is a highly respected political blogger in the Pittsburgh region. His hallmark is producing well-researched thoughtful reflections on the larger threads that run through the political scene. Bram has contributed […]

Why We Offer Giveaways

I Love Giveaways

So why is a lesbian blog doing “giveaways?”  It began several years ago when I was approached to participate in media night for Cirque du Soleil and give away a pair of passes. It was fun! I wrote about the show and that was that. Since then we’ve been approached several times. I’ve blogged about […]

“Madama Butterfly” – Cultural Lessons on Respect for Women

**SPOILERS** Last night, Ledcat and I were guests of the Pittsburgh Opera for the performance of  Puccini’s “Madama Butterfly.” Congrats to Tiffany who won the two tickets (and brought her friend Becky along.) Cio-Cio San’s open heart and trusting nature are the reasons that Pinkerton should love her, and the reasons that we weep at […]

Eco-Wednesday: Vinegar

Green Grandma Vinegar Fridays

Now, I’m sure some folks might be tempted to snark on the association of vinegar with moi. And while “ha ha ha” is my first response, I do admit the shoe might fit.  But recently I’ve grown interested in the use of vinegar as a healthier alternative for everyday home and personal needs. I met […]

Join Us For GAYla This Weekend at Pittsburgh Public Market

We’ll be participating in the second annual GAYla event at the Pittsburgh Public Market on Saturday from 9-5 and Sunday 10-4. It is a chance to meet some of the local organizations and LGBTQ owned businesses. Stop by our booth to learn more about our blog and other social media tools. We’ll have coloring pages for […]

Lessons From Steubenville – Rapists Destroy Their Own Lives By Raping Women

Trigger Warning – references to sexual assault, rape apologists, and rape culture   Let me be absolutely clear – it is not what they didn’t say, it is what they DID say. They weren’t guilty of “rape essentially” – they are guilty of rape. Their lives did not fall apart – they destroyed their own […]

What Are The GLAAD Media Awards??

This Saturday my family and I will be on stage speaking at The GLAAD Media Awards. We will be rubbing elbows with some pretty exciting folks including Anderson Cooper and Madonna! So what exactly does GLAAD do?? (From GLAAD’s info page) For over 25 years, GLAAD has worked with news, entertainment and social media to […]

How Could You Check Facebook When Your 72 Year Old Dad Is In the ER?

My Dad has been hospitalized exactly once in his life – he had pneumonia about ten years ago when he was in hid early 60’s. He went to the doctor and was hospitalized immediately. I remember sitting at his bedside and thinking that it was the first time he looked vulnerable to me. Fortunately with […]