Facebook fail (again)

BeaverCountian.com is a website focusing on news and opinion in (where else?) Beaver County. Last week, website founder John Paul wrote about Kesha Webb, an openly gay student in Beaver Area School District who wanted to bring her girlfriend to a Junior ROTC Ball. Initially, a ROTC instructor told her that same-sex partners were not […]

The Week in LGBTQ (March 3, 2013)

Brendon Ayanbadejo and Chris Kluwe submit pro-marriage Supreme Court brief – Outsports AndPittsburgh’s own Gene Collier weighs in on this: I’m pretty sure this ties Ayanbadejo and Kluwe for the league lead in amicus briefs filed with the Supreme Court this offseason. RT @thinkprogress: 131 Republicans to SCOTUS: Marriage Equality will protect children. This has […]

Social Media Infuses Jane Austen With New Life

As if you need a reason to reread “Pride and Prejudice” – if you do though, “The Lizzie Bennet Diaries” on YouTube is that reason. A episodic chapter homage to all things Austen, LBD chronicles the life of 24 year old communications grad student Lizzie Bennet and her family living in contemporary California. The chronicles […]

Eagle Scout Urges Carly Rae Jepsen to Denounce Ban on LGBTQ Youth

Boy Scouts, LGBT, Carly Rae Jepsen

This is a little odd – the Boy Scouts have hired Carly Rae Jepsen and Train to headline their annual  Scout Jamboree. Both Jepsen and the members of Train have spoken out in favor of LGBTQ equality. Jepsen’s video for “Call Me Maybe” has a gay twist at the end. ??? However, it does present […]

Giveaway: “Essential Yinzer” Pgh Gift Basket Featuring Pittsburgh Dad

We unexpectedly received an invitation to watch a taping of “No Fee TV” on PCNC. This show is hosted by Pittsburgh’s own, Edgar Snyder – a attorney whose personal injury Western Pennsylvania law practice is celebrating 30 years!  Those of us who grew up in the 80s and 90s grew up watching Edgar Snyder point […]

Eco Wednesday: Do Green Values Drive Our Consumer Decisions?

The Post-Gazette ran a piece on Tuesday exploring economists predictions as to how our “green values” might shape our future shopping decisions. The sharing trend that became popular with Zipcar is likely to expand to other industries such as tools and baby gear as consumers readjust their spending patterns to focus less on conspicuous consumption […]

Does Alleged Misconduct by Pgh Police Department Impact Local LGBTQ Community?

Yes. I’ll explain. Police relationships with the LGBTQ community have never been “good”, but certainly have been sliding downhill for the past several years. Unfortunately, there’s been an escalating “vicious cycle” of non-responsiveness to LGBTQ hate crimes in the City. Police don’t respond appropriately. People don’t report or follow through with reports. Crimes remain unsolved […]

This Week in LGBTQ – February 24, 2013

The New York Times reported on a study that found that the effects of bullying last into adulthood. Individuals who were bullied are more than 4x likely to have an anxiety disorder as an adult. Bullies who were also victims were 14.5x more likely to have a similar disorder  A Puerto Rican court has ruled […]

Letter to the Editor: Gays Fit to Lead

Another neighbor weighs in on the issue of equality in the Boy Scouts of America. My three sons and I have been actively involved in Boy Scouting for over 12 years. My eldest son is an Eagle Scout. Scouting has been an incredible experience for my sons, helping them to develop unparalleled leadership skills, a […]

Book Review: A Good American

I’m typically a fan of the multi-generational family “coming to America” novel. I think it may be all of the James Michener books I read in high school. So I had high hopes for this latest novel, A Good American by Alex George.    While interesting, the novel lacks a sense of being grounded in reality […]