“Being Gay is Not Okay” More LGBTQ Letters To the Tribune-Review Editor

Things are always hopping at the Trib … lots and lots of letters submitted (and published) around LGBTQ topics.  When last we checked, Rudy Gagliardi of Arnold was defending his stance that homosexuals can change their ways. And he’s not even the worst of the bigots! Five people wrote in to challenge Gagliardi’s point of […]

Top 10 Pgh Events That Should Add a Blogger Preview

You may have noticed that we added a “product review and promotion policies” page. We’ve been asked to do some reviews so we want to make sure everyone is on the same “page”  (ha) before we launch those features. It did get me thinking about various events and activities we’ve been asked to attend or […]

The Week in LGBTQ – February 17, 2013

Laurel from Pam’s House Blend takes a look at the Gallup poll results on the number of LGBTQ persons in each state. She questions if the data reflects actual disparities in the number of LGBTQ residents in the respective states OR the willingness to openly identify as LGBTQ in more repressive environments. Take a look […]

I’ll Stumble For You – More Social Media Homophobia! (Biphobia & Transphobia, Too)

Quite a few folks find my websites n’at via StumbleUpon – great, I think. When you add a page to that site, you insert a few tags, select a category and indicate if its “safe for work” – now I interpret this as meaning 95% of my blog posts are fine with the exception of […]

LGBTQ Women’s Group at Pittsburgh’s Gay & Lesbian Community Center

Monday evening, Ledcat and I went to the new discussion group for women at the GLCC – it was the second gathering. It seems off to a good start and I personally found it to be a positive experience.  Just as a quick overview in case you are considering attending – meets every other Mon […]

Let’s Get Jen Tyrrell on the Ellen DeGeneres Show

My friend and blog team member Jen Tyrrell would be a perfect guest on the Ellen DeGeneres show. Jen is a trailblazing pioneer in the Boy Scouts of America. Jen is a mom (like Betty DeGeneres) who wants a better world for her kids. Jen and her family have a “thing” called kitchen dancing. Seriously. So […]

Scouting For Equality

Now is the time!! The BSA is in danger of becoming obsolete. In this ever changing society, scouting is becoming less and less relevant. WE WANT TO HELP! We love scouting and think ALL should be able to enjoy its rewards. How can I help? That is the most asked question I get. So, if you […]

Pentagons Extends Some Domestic Partner Benefits to Same Sex Families

Here’s some good news.   Army Veteran and OutServe-SLDN Executive Director Allyson Robinson today praised outgoing Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta for his decision to extend to nearly the full extent permitted under current law the benefits available to gay and lesbian service members and their families. Though Panetta’s announcement did not include a number of important […]

I Still Want Melissa McCarthy to Play ME in a Movie

In January, I was profiled on a website called 12 questions where I – you guessed it – answered 12 questions about my exciting self. It took me a long, long time to answer the question about what piece of art moved me and edit my bio. A long time. What took me less than […]

GLCC Hosts LGBTQ Women’s Group

The Gay & Lesbian Community Center of Pittsburgh has scheduled a second in their WOMENSpeak series for Monday February 11, 2013. Join us on Feb 11th from 6:30-8pm and get ready to speak your mind. All women are invited, which means if you identify yourself as a woman…COME!! Light refreshments will be served. I appreciate […]