Contact: Leslie Fleisher FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Cell: 412.956.9120 Email:  PERSAD CENTER, GLSEN, AND PFLAG TO HOST SAFE SCHOOLS SUMMIT Safe Schools Summit: Bridging the Gap Between Anti-Bullying Efforts And The Experience of LGBTQ Youth PITTSBURGH, PA – January 2, 2012. Persad Center, GLSEN (Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network), and PFLAG (Parents and Friends of […]

NaBloPoMo: Viva La Vida!

Monday, January 7, 2013 What is your favourite song that gives you energy? This is almost too easy – because I can post a YouTube Link, right? The song that energizes me is Viva La Vida (Coldplay.) I love the music, Chris Martin’s tenor and I love the imagery – to me, it describes bipolar […]

NaBloPoMo: Energy From Sisterhood

This weekend, an acquaintance wrote to me and used the term “Sister” which – to be honest – freaked me out. She intended it to be a reflection of our shared experiences as women living in a man’s world. To me, the term sister has two meanings. First, it is used very flippantly among the […]

Wrapping up LGBTQ 2012 With The Correspondents

I tossed out some questions for the team to answer. 1. What LGBTQ news story from 2012 resonated the most deeply with you and why?   Trish – Marriage equality coming to Maine, Maryland and Washington, maybe because 2012 was the year when I got married (after years of thinking I never would). It forced me […]

Making some tweaks to the blog and then hoping to see The Hobbit. Anyone else?

Let’s Talk Anonymous!

If you haven’t heard of Anonymous, perhaps you’ve been living under a rock. The recent Anonymous movement #OccupyStuebenville is taking place this Saturday, January 5th, in our own backyard. It has been making national headlines and causing quite the local stir. I wanna know if you are going. I wanna hear your thoughts on the […]

NaBloPoMo: Coffee

Caffeine is an artificial stimulant. But aren’t all stimulants artificial?  I love coffee. Didn’t have a taste for it until I lived in Baton Rouge in 1993 – that was my first experience of the “coffee house” experience – chicory coffee and beignets. I gained 30 lbs. Then I moved to rural Kentucky and basically […]

NaBloPoMo: The Time Of My Day

Friday, January 4, 2013 At what time of day do you feel the most energetic and productive? Wow, this varies. My natural rhythm is to be productive late at night, but the sleep regimin requires that I decompress earlier in the evening. Still, I occasionally wake up at 2 AM with an AWESOME idea and […]

George Takei and Ledcat Co-Star in Environmental Video!

Pride in the Street

Ledcat makes two appearances in this video promoting reusable bags. Can you find them both? Bonus points if you can identify the event where I “caught” George Takei with a Batman tote bag.

The Lesbian Blog That Shut Down the City of Pittsburgh

Reports have surfaced that the City of Pittsburgh was forced to block this website as a desperate measure to keep the City functioning.  “We had no choice,” sighs City Computer Guy,Ken. “We have a computer usage policy – somewhere ’round here – hey yinz seen that folded up tablet paper with the doodle of Sophie […]