So, Two Out of Three?

OK, so I am from Pittsburgh and I am a correspondent. That’s like 66 percent, right? I am extremely nervous about being invited to blog at, and extremely touched and honored and grateful to Sue for inviting me to contribute here. I’m nervous in part because Sue has set a very high standard here. […]

Welcome to Our New Blogger, Trish Mifflin

We want to offer a heartfelt welcome to the newest member of the blogging team, Trish Mifflin. Trish is not a lesbian. In her own words, she is transgendered male-bodied crossdresser who identifies as female, but is not pursuing full-time transition, either socially or medically. So that’s out of the way. Well, it is actually part of the […]

Get a Grip – Life With Mobility Constraints

Ah, hands. We take them for granted until we get a papercut on a index finger or some other seemingly minor ailment that causes a lot of problems. Mine is tendonitis complicated by some fancy sounding term to describe a “birth defect” (my third!) in which my carpal somethings are fused together. I think three […]

Our Session at Podcamp Pittsburgh – Fairness and Accuracy in Language

So … many months ago PG columnist Tony Norman used the term “sexual preference” in an otherwise positive column. When I called him on it, he explained that it was simply a matter of language evolving and that sexual orientation was the newest terminology. After some back and forth, he agreed to take a gander […]

Guest Post: Stop Our Bullies, Save Our Valleys

Editor’s Note: This week, I’ll be sharing guest blog posts from folks who identify as allies and what that means to them. Jason Togyer shared a personal commentary at the Tube City Almanac. Jason grew up near McKeesport; I grew up near McKeesport, too.  His perspective resonates with me both as a reflection on my […]

Guest Blog Post: I’m wearing purple today, and so should you.

Editor’s Note: This week, I’ll be sharing guest blog post from folks who identify as allies and what that means to them. Jeanne Clark blogs at Everyone’s Entitled to Jeanne’s Opinion (where this was first published) and at Ms. Magazine. Today is Spirit Day, a day for everyone to take a stand against bullying and […]

Guest Blog Post: The Enemy Is Us

Editor’s Note: This week, I’ll be sharing guest blog post from folks who identify as allies and what that means to them. Maria Lupinacci blogs at 2 Political Junkies” In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.  Most of us […]

Happy Birthday To Me; Send My Present to The White House

I was so energized by the President’s stellar performance last night – defending MY family – that I set up a little fundraiser. Can you help me celebrate my 42nd birthday (Oct 22) with a modest $5 donation? That’s all I ask – the cost of treating me to a cup of coffee or a […]

Penn State Continues to Defy Label of “Best University for LGBT Students”

I’ve mentioned this before. CampusPride included Penn State University among their Top 25 Universities for LGBT students. Praising the top 25 list was Campus Pride Executive Director Shane Windmeyer. “Every student deserves to feel safe on campus, and all of these colleges are committed to creating a more LGBT-friendly campus,” he said in a statement. […]

Guest Blog Post: Bullies are Jagoffs

Editor’s Note: This week, I’ll be sharing guest blog post from folks who identify as allies and what that means to them. Our friend Yajagoff Catcher from YaJagoff website weighs in and sums it up nicely. A few weeks ago, fellow social media-ite and new friend, Sue Kerr, let us know that, based on her online […]