Guest Blog Post: Things I’ve Learned as I Grew Into an Ally

Editor’s Note: This week, I’ll be sharing guest blog post from folks who identify as allies and what that means to them. Becky Willis of lil’ burghers  My daughter was tucked up on the couch looking at photos with one of my female (lesbian) friends. She, only being 4, realized that another woman kept popping […]

Spirit Day – Oct 19

This Friday marks Spirit Day– a day when allies wear purple to speak out against bullying and support LGBTQ youth. You can learn more by visiting the Spirit Day page at GLAAD. Why is this important? Well, today I learned that a young girl in a local school took her life and I have to […]

PA Charter School Does Not Bow to Rightwing Anti-Gay Forces

For 11 years, the Southern Poverty Law Center has organized “Mix It Up Lunch” day to promote kids meeting and spending time with a child they did not know, a child who isn’t  in their clique perhaps. Big shocker that the American Family Association is taking an opportunity to smack the SPLC – which recently […]

An Experiment in Q’s

Q of course being the shorthand for coupons. But it works either way. So this fall, we ramped up our couponing experiences. We sat down and discussed a budget of what we needed to save to make it worthwhile. You might think any money saved is worthwhile, but there are some newbie mistakes I’ve seen […]

When Being an Ally Makes a Difference …

I was recently “targeted” on LinkedIn for a little gay bashing. The details I’ll save for another post, but it boiled down to someone telling me that the word lesbian was not appropriate in a profession environment. It went downhill from there. This is not the first time I’ve encountered this mentality. I’ve been asked […]

Prescient Lesbians and Post-Gazette Editorial Cartoonists Save the NFL Referees?

I kept asking my liberal football loving friends why they were watching football when a union was on strike. <cue crickets> So then I wrote this … And voila! You are welcome.  

Suggestions on “Rainbow Family” Books to Donate

Dana from Mombian contacted me with a great list of LGBTQ books for children up to grade 5. These might be books you choose to donate to the Manchester Elementary School library. You can also donate the resource itself to the library or $50.00!   Fast forward to today and Dr. Naidoo, now an […]

Stack the Shelves: Call to Action To Support Local School Libraries During Banned Books Week

Earlier in the week, we reported on a startling situation in Pittsburgh’s Northside – Manchester Elementary School had fewer than 40 books in their library and most were in poor condition.  More from the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: The librarian predicts that the 250-student school’s decaying fiction section has now grown from less than 100 usable books […]

Elementary School Library in Pittsburgh’s is Unstacked

The story broke on Facebook this week … Manchester Elementary School in Pittsburgh’s Northside has less than 40 decent fiction books for the entire school. The response has been swift. Yinzercation has written about it. Within 24 hours, over 600 people had seen that original post and over 118 people had shared it on their […]

Donate School Supplies to Support Pittsburgh’s LGBTQ Youth and Families

Most schools are back in session now, but not every student has the supplies they need to succeed. In some cases, their families can’t purchase the items – in other cases, the students are on their own for the most part, particularly LGBTQ youth with little family support. Reports indicate that up to 40% of […]