
Reparative Therapy

Please read this powerful and heartwrenching Part I in a series about reparative therapy. Truth Wins Out This is something I have never thought about. One of the saddest parts of reparative therapy is the way it destroys relationships, because clients are falsely led to believe their parents caused their homosexuality. This unscientific and unfounded […]

Winston + Elmo = Love


Are You Paying Attention?

Gay & Lesbian Community Ctr of Pgh Book Sale to Benefit Tote Bag Project

Did you know that the Gay & Lesbian Community Center of Pittsburgh has an online bookstore? The bookstore sells duplicate copies of books housed in the Jim Fischerkeller Library located in the Center downtown on Grant Street. What a great way to find those iconic LGBT books you’ve always wanted to read AND support the […]

Birth Control, Catholic Employees and Cut The Crap

For crying out loud … Christian hysterics across the land are wringing their hands because they might be required to provide access to contraception under the health insurance offered to their employees. They had a one year exemption to figure it out and now they are crying “religious persecution” and typical bullshit. From Feministing: President […]

Housing Discrimination Protections from HUD

From the Washington Blade: HUD is set to unveil final regulations that will protect up to 43% of Americans with regard to access to HUD subsidized programs, from rental vouchers to mortgage programs. Most interesting: During a news conference in January 2011, Donovan said the rule also requires applicants seeking federal housing grants to comply […]

Guest Blogging?

Well, why not? My recent heady experience of receiving one comment on my Bilerico post made me realize I should open things up here a bit and get some other voices. So I’d like to invite you to submit a guest post. It can be a one time post. It can be recurrent. It can […]

Take Our LGBTQ Social Media 101 Survey!

I am personally fascinated by the intersection of social media with social justice. From the use of Twitter during the recent uprisings throughout the Middle East to the Occupy movement, it is all abuzz. But on a microlevel, I have people say “I get like 4 links to your posts every day by Twitter, Facebook, […]

I am Team Bilerico

OK, well that’s a bit of an overstatement.  Here’s my official bio. I like the aesthetic touch of my neighbors step ladder in the background. Very lesbian. Even if he is a straight white guy who does most of our odd jobs. Still … But I was pretty pleased when Bil Browning mentioned that I […]