Our Favorite Holiday Song …


Merry Christmas from Lesbian Central

As we wind down our Christmas Eve festivities, Ledcat and I want to wish you a very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanzaa and a general Happy Holidays from our family! We spent the evening eating takeout Thai food and watching “Santa Claus Conquers the Martians” on YouTube.  Of course, we had a few cats […]

Help Sue Become a “Bebian” by Catching Bieber Fever to Help Hunger

I’m on a quest. Since learning that Justin Bieber is a food pantry advocate and that his own family used a pantry to supplement their food needs until Justin got his big break, I’ve made a pledge to listen to his holiday album “Under the Mistletoe” all the way through for each new like our […]

Update on FourSquare and Facebook Responses to Gay Bashing, Sexism

Well, there’s nothing good to report Facebook has had multiple people report three separate status updates that contain the phrase “Hag Bag Headquarters welcome to whore ville (sic) all dykes welcome” but they have yet to remove the posts.  Interestingly, when I tried to do a status update about this topic, it would not let […]

Are Foursquare and Facebook Taking Gay Bashing Seriously?

A few months ago, a man I’ve never met (we went to same high school, several years apart) was upset because I reported him to Facebook for posting anti-gay content. I blocked him after a bit, then heard from mutal friends that he was posting negative comments about me, including being an mentally ill unstable […]

Very cute Christmas video


Pgh Gift Program Makes Gifts Available to Older Kids, Too

Play it Forward Pittsburgh provides parents of children from all ages with an opportunity to get up to 5 gently used items for holiday gifts. Older kids are so often overlooked that we think this is a wonderful idea and wish we had heard about it sooner. It would be great to collect CDs and […]

Two Great Stories on LGBTQ Youth

Please check out these two important articles on LGBTQ youth. First, a piece in the Boston Globe about a family’s journey with their transgender daughter. It is a wonderful story about their experiences and how supportive and loving they are with Nicole. Nicole has a twin, Jonas so they’ve been an interesting contributor to medical […]

A Moment of GLEE – We Are Young

i was struck by this during last week’s episode of GLEE httpv://youtu.be/b5AdLN9zfzk Here’s the original by the group “fun” httpv://youtu.be/FQLGhPHzxjc

Collect Tote Bags to Help Hungry Neighbors and Win Awesome Prizes (Like Penguins Tickets)

Hunger, as you probably have read here in the past, is very much a part of our lives … 1 in 7 people in Pennsylvania don’t know for sure where their next meal is coming from today. Look around you. Is it someone in your office? Someone living on your street? Some of the children […]