World AIDS Day

Thursday, December 1, 2011 marks World AIDS Day   World AIDS Day is held on 1 December each year and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died. World AIDS Day was the first ever […]

The Bisexual Umbrella

Bisexual Umbrella

Found this on Bi radical. What are your thoughts?   Bisexuality is a topic fraught with misunderstandings, prejudice and fear. I know only one community leader in Pittsburgh who identifies as bisexual, the Reverend Janet Edwards who also acknowledges she is married to a man.  I’ve never heard anyone challenge her and I suspect it […]

Toys for Tots Pittsburgh Distribution Information

Please be sure to share this information with families you know that may need some assistance with their holiday gifts for children this year. It is very important that they understand the process, rules and arrive early.  The line can be long and you are typically standing outside. The Toys for Tots program will hold […]

Abundance of deliciousness …

We cleaned up pretty well on Thanksgiving Blueberry Muffins prepurchased at The Priory Fine Bakery Peanut butter blossoms purchased to keep blueberry muffins company.   Leftovers from Ledcat family meal, enough to make an entire meal for us both tomorrow. Iced pumpkin cookies Ledcat purchased Weds night (unaware of peanut blossoms) to make me feel […]

Happy Turkey/Tofurkey Day

Well, any holiday that starts with a blueberry muffin from The Priory Bakery is pretty good in my book, especially if you add a cup of coffee, a parade on tv and your best girl sitting next to you reading the paper. We are skipping the cooking this year and dining out.  The menu sounds […]

Every Child Deserves a Family Legislation; National Adoption Month Blogfest

The Family Equality Council has invest a lot of resources to promote this legislation: This month, the Every Child Deserves a Family Act was introduced  by Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (NY) and a companion bill in the House now has 82 bi-partisan co-sponsors thanks to the work of lead sponsor, Rep. Pete Stark (CA). This bill […]

Holiday Project? How About a Grab Bag to Benefit Your Neighbors …

Just a lil reminder that there is still plenty of time to set up a holiday tote bag drive to help our hungry neighbors during the holidays.  Courtesy of The Pittsburgh Tote Bag Project. So far several folks have stepped forward to pitch in Cassandra’s Floral Animal Nature Concepts Management Group (Forest Hills) Pittsburgh Public […]

What Does the Sexual Assault at Penn State Mean For Me?

Like you, I was and continue to be horrified by the revelations of the sexual abuse of minor boys and the apparent cover-up (or fail to act?) on the part of pretty much anyone with power and authority at Penn State. It has been all over the media, as you know. It is inescapable and […]

Love this …

Washington County Teen Receives National Recognition for Advocacy

Congratulations to Emmett Patterson, a 17 year old transman for receiving national recognition from GLSEN for his advocacy work in Washington County.  Emmett founded Washington County’s first Gay Straight Alliance.  Kudos to him and we hope he enjoys spending time with Chaz Bono, whom he identifies as a hero and source of solace while struggling […]