Mamma Mia, Here We Go Again: Further Adventures in Being in Cat Ladies

Feral cats Pittsburgh

We did it. After seven weeks, we finally (re)trapped our feral/homeless female cat, Mamma Mia, and reunited her with her female bonded companion, Maylee. They are both in our second bedroom with access to food & water, comfortable temperatures, and no fears of being hit by a car, attacked by another animal, etc. They are […]

Occasional Ask for Donations

Occasional Ask for Donations

Remember, my blog is not a source of income. No one covers my expenses to do all this thinking and ask these questions except me (and Ledcat). So if you are feeling the impact of the work we do, you can chip in to help us continue. You can donate directly to AMPLIFY or the […]

My Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Bucket List

My ties to the Post-Gazette run deep. I’ve mentioned that my great-grandfather Gilbert Remley was the Executive Sports Editor, in a career that spanned 50 years and three papers. My family was a newspaper reading family, something inherited from both my maternal and paternal lines. We ‘took’ 2-3 papers and sometimes more each day: the […]

Monthly Reminder About Investing in Our Work

Monthly Reminder About Investing in Our Work

A few readers asked me to post gentle reminders about donations and other opportunities to invest in our work. You will find the donation links here. After a winter hiatus of sorts due to surgery, we are gearing up for exciting work in the coming months. This will include a coffee-house tour in the outlying […]




Casual Promises to Myself That I Am Under No Legal Obligation to Fufill 2018

I’m not setting New Years resolutions this year. I peaked in 2003 and figure why mess with a resolution that introduced me to Ledcat? Instead, I’m identifying some noncommital aspirations into the conversation. I’m not apathetic about trying to fulfill these, but I’m also not overly vested in the outcome. Either way, I still have […]

Happy Hour Fundraiser!

Join us for a Happy Hour Fundraiser, Friday Nov 17, at Bier’s Pub on the Northside. Benefits The AMPLIFY Project and SisTers PGH.    

My Family Tree: Unexpected Loss of My Cousin Brian Koerber

Brian Koerber

This is a hard time of year for me. In 2007, my dear old friend died at age 41. In 2010, my elder maternal cousin Theresa died at age 45.  In 2012, another old friend and brother to my college roommate died at age 45. His name was Kevin. I’m now older than all of […]

My Family Story: The Mysterious Life of Sarah Ann Campbell (1871-1907)

I’ve blogged about three of my 2x great grandmothers, all on my paternal side of the family.  Most people have eight 2x great grandmothers, four on the paternal side and four on the maternal. The final paternal 2x great grandma is perhaps the most mysterious of my recent ancestors – her name, I now know, […]

Hilary, 44, Works Hard to Boost Pansexual Identity in Erie County #AMPLIFY

Name: Hilary Copp Age: 44 County of Residence: Erie County, previously has lived in New Jersey, Chicago, Atlanta, and Ohio. Pronouns: she/her How do you describe your identity? Cisgender white female, pansexual Please describe your coming out experience. Where did you find support? What challenges did you face? I have a tremendous amount of privilege […]