Outcomes from #ManchesterCatTrap and a Plea for Help

feral cat clinic

I’ve been mulling over how to write this post, a ‘report out’ from our recent cat trapping and pet food distribution event. So let me jump ahead to yesterday, July 6. I was going through the invoices and feedback forms to compile some solid information. I checked Facebook and saw that a neighbor on the […]

Someone Stole My Cat Trap

Since I moved to Manchester in 2005, we have had many annoyances but rarely problems with porch pirates – we’ve had deliveries to our stoop, items dropped off to the side of the stoop and no problems. Until today. Today someone stole my favorite cat trap, my old faithful, the first trap I ever bought […]

Cat Lady Mean Girls

“I’m not wearing a fucking mask to make other people feel better if they don’t want Covid then they should go get the vaccine.” So this woman runs a local rescue called Save Our Strays. When she wanted to volunteer with our TNVR event, she kept insisting she wouldn’t wear a mask even though we […]

Media Alert: The Manchester Cat Trap Launches June 16-19, 2021

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Sue Kerr Phone: 412-216-3535 Email: pghcatladies@gmail.com   The Manchester Cat Trap Launches June 16-19, 2021 Pittsburgh, PA.—June 19, 2021—The Manchester Cat Trap Project and Pet Food Distribution project will begin Wednesday, June 16 through June 19th.  The all-volunteer group is dedicated to trapping, neutering, vaccinating, and releasing (TNVR) outdoor community cats […]

Welcome Aboard to Our New Foster Cat Trio: Catamaran, Marina, and Tug #KittensAhoy

Kittens Ahoy

Last week, the good folks at Homeless Cat Management Team successfully mass trapped 18 kittens, 15 adults, and recovered some deceased of various ages. This was Clairton. They TNVRd the adults at the clinic the next day and the kittens were vetted and divided into foster homes. Bringing in 18 kittens at one time is […]

Update on #ManchesterCatTrap – We Need Just $861 to TNR 50 cats here on the Northside

We are getting down to the wire. How to donateGoFundMe https://gofund.me/02eac7b7Venmo @pghlesbianCashApp @pghlesbianPaypal.me/pghlesbian The basic TNVR package is $70. As of today, we have enough to TNVR 39.57 cats. We need $61 to cover 40 cats — JUST $61!! – and $761 to reach 50. THEN we can pay for supplies and expenses.  Another way to […]

#ManchesterCatTrap To Help Emergency Rescue of 19 Kittens from Clairton

The foster group that Laura and I work with is called Pittsburgh C.A.T. which is affiliated with the Homeless Cat Management Team. They are not officially involved in the #ManchesterCatTrap, but have been a great source of support. This weekend, we received a notice that two of the most experienced trappers had gone to Clairton […]

Today Was Ana’s Gotcha Day and I’m Very Sad

Our little dog, Ana, joined our family on this date in 2008. It was an exhausting day driving round trip to Indiana, PA – but she was adorable and bonded with us very quickly. Soon, she bonded with our two other dogs and we were a happy family. After her brothers died in 2015 and […]

The #ManchesterCatTrap is Happening and Here is What We Need

Plans are underway for the big event on June 19, 2021.   We have raised enough money so far to TNVR 30+ cats and now have nearly 4 pallets of pet food to distribute. We have volunteers working on many tasks. And here’s what we still need (money, of course.) If you can lend or […]

Does Mayor Peduto’s Office Have an Animal Welfare Advisory Group?

I am seeking information on a possible advisory group to the Mayor’s Office or the City as a whole on animal welfare for my blog Pittsburgh Lesbian Correspondents. My information is the organization HUMANE ACTION Pittsburgh fills that role with little to no participation from other groups, individuals, with the exceptions of HAR and Animal […]