The #ManchesterCatTrap Will Be Saving Cats and Feeding Pets on Saturday, June 19

We hope you will join us for a mini “mass trapping” event of homeless and feral cats in the Manchester neighborhood on the Northside. The date is Saturday June 19 and the location is “near my backyard” along Faulsey Way. What are we doing? We are TNVRing (Trap, Neuter/Spay, Vaccinate, Return) feral cats from the […]

The #ManchesterCatTrap Offers Free TNVR and a Pet Food Distribution to Pittsburgh’s Northside


There are a lot of cats without homes in Manchester and nearby neighborhoods. I’ve trapped 12 this year alone and I’m definitely a novice. So wit the advice of experienced trappers, I proposed a “mass trapping” where colony caretakers and volunteer trappers get the kitties and we take them en masse to the Fix’n Wag’n […]

My Best Friend, Dr. John Ruffing

When people talk about their best friends or when I see besties on a TV show, I cringe. I don’t have a best friend. I have my wife. I have lovely good friends who are importantly intertwined into my lifeweb. I’m not lonely. I had a best friend and today is his birthday. Or it […]

It is 4:30 AM. Do you know where your feral cat is?

feral cat escape

Early this morning, oh so very early, I woke up to pee and slung my legs reluctantly off the bed to make my way across the hall when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. Sure it was an optical illusion, I rubbed my eyes and squinted into the still very early […]

Cat Lady Chronicles – No, That’s not a Maine Coon and Yes, We Do Need Cat Food

TNR Pittsburgh

Here’s our latest adventures Helena Cassadine seems a little down so we were able to get into a follow-up appointment with Fix’n Wag’n where she had been spayed a year ago. The good news is that she is physically healthy – her teeth are especially excellent. The bad news is that I had to drive […]

Delivering Cat Food to Neighbors in Need

This was an exhausting, but good week – I had the opportunity to deliver hundreds of pounds of cat food to neighbors managing cat colonies via the Pgh Cat Food Drive. We helped trap one lost cat (see that story here) and we are on the trail of another missing cat who escaped his trap […]

How Our Lesbian Wedding Registry Reunited a Missing Cat With His Humans

In early January, a cat named Buddy escaped from his foster group during a routine transport. He was spotted on the Northside in the Allegheny West neighborhood. In early February, two lesbians also on the Northside got married. One of their wedding registries was primarily cat rescue gear – traps, crates, nets, gloves, food, and […]

Remember the Kitties: Ferat Cat Colony Food Drive Update

where to donate cat food pittsburgh

  Remember, we are hosting an ongoing cat food drive to benefit the human neighbors who take care of the colonies. Some are elders (up to 97!), some are also volunteers with feral cat organizations, others are veterans and families and even more have picked up the mantle from a family member – what a […]

Here’s our list of neighbors taking care of homeless cats – Please donate food if you can

where to donate cat food Pittsburgh

We’ve added three new feral cat colonies to our Virtual #CatFoodDrive … with this bitter cold snap coming, you can help – food and shelter are the best tools for them to survive. This is the answer to your question “How can I help cats?” We have a list of neighbors who need help feeding […]

Tales from the Pgh Cat Ladies – TNRing the Gingers

Over the past two weeks, we’ve successfully trapped two different ginger male cats – Ginger Snap and Captain Kirk (because of his long flowing locks.) Ginger Snap practically walked into the trap, struggled a teeny bit, but was rubbing the hand of his new foster mom before he was even out of the crate. He […]