Homeless Cats on the Northside Need Help

Homeless Cats

It has been awhile since I wrote an update on our foster cat lady status. For most of this year, we’ve had three cats living with us – Stefano DiMera and Spencer Cassadine are now 14 month old siblings and their mom, Helena Cassadine (age – timeless) is living in our bathroom. COVID and their […]

Cats For Biden-Harris

On Day 199, I Made a post-Election Appointment

I had an appointment with my psychiatrist today. We confirmed some previously discussed medication changes, nixing one and tweeking another. I have to titrate up every two weeks by 25 mg from 25 mg to eventually 200 mg. She asked to see me again at the halfway point and I was quiet when I realized […]

Donate Cat Food to These 8 Local Feral Colony Caretakers

where to donate cat food Pittsburgh

Some people tell me we should stay focused on human needs, not animals. I say we do both and more. I also say helping neighbors who give up their own food for their cats is helping people. A healthy, well-fed colony with a caretaker monitoring the cats is ideal. Yes, new cats will show up, […]

We Seized Day 184: a saga of Stefano DiMera and Spencer Cassadine

It had been a typical Wednesday. Laura was working at the kitchen table while I focused on the Pittsburgh MasQUe ProjecT from the sofa. I went upstairs to prepare for my tele-health therapy session. Afterwards, I took a nap. Foster kittens Stefano DiMera and Spencer Cassadine were in the bedroom with me. Stefano slept near […]

On Day 171, Our Dog Died

My dog died

At 3 AM this morning, we rushed our dog to the ER vet office and had to put her to sleep. She was 14 or thereabouts. We adopted Ana from a rescue in May 2008. She was about two years old and had been removed from an abusive home with a broken pelvis. Her foster […]

#FeralCatFoodDrive: Barbara, 77, Feeding Ferals in Oakland

As part of our work to support local caretakers of feral cat colonies, we organize pet food drives. COVID-19 interfered with our plans, forcing us to move to virtual drives including wishlists. This is the wishlist for Barbara, a 77 year old caretaker in Oakland. Barbara is a 77 year old caretaker who has been […]

Behind the mews with my Facebook Live with kittens

Feral Cat Drive Wishlists

where to donate cat food Pittsburgh

Here are the Amazon wish lists for the feral cat colony caretakers. We will add as new caretakers sign up to receive donated cat food. Bit.ly/CatBarbara Bit.ly/CatCindy Bit.ly/CatHolly Bit.ly/CatKen Bit.ly/CatMary Bit.ly/CatRich Bit.ly/CatRoy Bit.ly/CatWalt Bit.ly/CatPgh Crowdfund https://www.facebook.com/donate/2279283285701103/?

Daily Dose of #QuarantineCats Sunday March 29, 2020

Pittsburgh Cats and Dogs

These are difficult times. Our crew wants to help so I’m going to try to regularly post brief video snippets from the assorted four-footed residents of our house including our pets, fosters, the ferals, our dog, and occasional guests. Today’s clip features our feral kitties, Oksana (gray and white) and Mx Pajamas (black) on our […]