Free to a Good Home: 12 Bits of Advice for First-Time Cat Ladies and Friends

Foster Kitten Pittsburgh

It was two years ago in late December when we began feeding a Domestic Long-Haired cat who showed up on our deck. It was so cold and snowy that we set up a makeshift feeding station for her and a few friends who showed up. Fast forward two years. That particular kitty and her bonded […]

Introducing the Sheffield Trio – Eight Week Old Kittens Born on the Northside of Pittsburgh

Meet our newest foster kittens: Susie Myerson, Sophie Lennon, and Maisel. They are eight weeks old. They were born in late October under a porch on Sheffield Street here in Manchester. When the homeowners discovered Mama Cat (now known as Faith) caring for her brood, they turned to the cat ladies and friends for help. […]

We Successfully Raised $2600 for TNR Supplies to Help the Homeless Cat Management Team Cat Lady Lending Library

Feral Cat Pittsburgh

Thanks to our friends at ioby and a whole lotta great cat lovers, we met our goal today several days ahead of schedule. We set out to raise $2500 and ended up raising $2600 which will help cover fees and such. The funds will be used to purchase TNR equipment for volunteers to use, equipment […]

We need just $390 to buy TNR cat lady supplies for Pittsburgh #GivingTuesday

Fundraiser for homeless cats

In October, we created a crowdfund to benefit the Homeless Cat Management Team. Our goal is to raise $2500 to purchase trap/neuter/return (TNR) supplies including a drop trap kit, humane traps, carriers, gloves, nets and so forth to have available for Northsiders rescuing cats. The gear will be the property of HCMT, but live with […]

Remembering Simon on this National Cat Day

It was a blustery, dark night in December 2002 when I left the domestic violence agency where I was a volunteer. I fumbled for my keys and almost ignored the plaintive sound. A few minutes later, the plaintive soundee was wrapped around my ankles, meowing loudly, and demanding my immediate attention. He was a scrawny […]

My Birthday Wish (Almost) Came True

Pittsburgh Feral Cats

Sunday was a good day. Our friend Don helped to assemble our new feeding station for our feral cats. I was so excited – watching cats eat in the rain has been sad and we had no solid shelter as an alternative. So I asked for a shelter as my birthday gift – I turn […]

Pgh Northside Cat Ladies and Friends Feral Cat Supplies – Donate!

Fundraiser for homeless cats

The Pgh Northside Cat Ladies and Friends are working with Homeless Cat Management Team to create a cat trapping “lending library” on the Northside for convenience and efficiency. This project is eligible for a 100% match so any bit you can donate will get twice as close to our end goal. Our goal is two […]

And Then There Was Kinzua, The Kitten With a Mission

Sunday afternoon, I saw a post on Facebook about a little kitten in need of a temporary foster home. He was called McFeisty, about 8-10 weeks of age, and needed some work on skittishness. We hoped a few weeks in our kitten playpen and exposure to some other kittens and cats would be just the […]

Dog House Wanted by the PghCatLadies

We are preparing for what might be a rough winter, including our two feral visitors Oksana and Mx. Pajamas. Shelter is critical for homeless cats. We repurposed an old insulated dog house by filling it with straw and draping an old comforter across the entrance. We also have two smaller coolers that have been slightly […]

Meet Kane, a Cat Available for Adoption in Pittsburgh #PghCatLadies

Adopt a Cat Pittsburgh

  Meet Kane Adult male, Large, Flame Point, Long-haired, good with children but not other cats or dogs Kane is a 6 1/2 year old flame point Himalayan. He is a sweet, bashful boy who loves pets and playtime. Kane is with us because his human died, and her husband had to go into assisted […]