Where to Donate Your Cat and Dog Stuff in Pittsburgh

backyard brawl

Support the (back)YardSale. Help the people helping the cats. GoFundMe bit.ly/Help-Pittsburgh-Cats Venmo @  PittsburghLGBTQ PayPal Charities bit.ly/PayPalPLC Facebook PittsburghLGBTQ Click Donation

Tractor Supply plows under LGBTQ Community, prefers customers not vote?

I never heard of Tractor Supply before I became involved in cat rescue work. I had no reason to visit a feed store, until I learned they had good deals on cat food and reasonable delivery policies. So I became a paying customer. And slowly I poked around their website to see other items that […]

Saying Goodbye to Grandma Precious, a very nice cat

Our sweet baby Precious is not well. She went downhill quickly, we rushed her to veterinarian Friday night.  Precious is at least 15. She’s spending most of her time in my room. She sleeps on cat bed under my bed, lounges on my bed, and sometimes sits on the rug. She drinks water on her […]

Update on Spencer Cassadine and Stefano DiMera aka my Cats

People often ask me how my cats are doing. So I’m compiling videos from the nanny cams so you can see for yourself. I was pleased to see them playing togther or near each other for over 15 minutes. These guys and their mama were TNRd in March 2021. Stefano (extra fluffy) is friendly but […]

Was Dr. John P. Ruffing Your Veterinarian? Celebrate His Birthday!

Dr. John P. Ruffing

He would be 58 on Wednesday Sometimes, I wonder how life would be if he had lived past the age of 41. But then I realize that is pointless. I am pretty sure he would not read my blog (all the reading!) and would proud of my awards. I have countless stories. Right now, I’m […]

Watch! Two Videos of My Black Cats of TikTok

First video is the brothers Stefano DiMera and Spencer Cassadine (yes, their mother is named Helena Cassadine) goofing around. They will be five years old in October. @pghlesbianblog our sweet babies #cat #cats #catsoftiktok #blackcat #brothers #siblings #rescue #love #fyp #share #video #Kodaline #growingup #dinner #food #catlover #catholic #catlady #catvideo #cute #sweet #babiesoftiktok #Newpost #tnr […]

These Northside Community Cats Need Help to Survive the Winter

It is Caturday. The community cats living at the Fort Faulsey need your help. We are hoping to collect some food, supplies, etc to help them get through the winter. Our neighbor, Marie, has been taking care of all of the colony cats, two feeding stations, etc. Since early August, 7 days a week without […]

Now The Judge Said That I Can Be Inside My Home like Guard Dog

Guard Dog abuse

I’ve been following the comic strip Mutts. The creator has decided to set free Guard Dog, a supporting character who has been chained out back by his owners since 1995. It’s a heart wrenching story. His owners moved away and left him chained alone in the backyard. He withered. Earl and Mooch found him, got […]

Are my cat companions “nibblings”?

Tonight I realized I’ve stopped taking cat photos. If you follow me on any platform, you see pics of my food, my television shows, my home, and my cats. My whole life has been added to my permanent record thanks to memory features on FB, Google, OneDrive, etc. I open that link each day, pouring […]

I Miss My Cats and I Want To Go Home

assorted cats

It has almost been over a month since I was dislodged from my home of 18 years. Read more: https://gofund.me/71a28a80 Friends came to my rescue in many ways. I am safe, well-fed, comforted, and supported. But I haven’t seen any of my cats since August 27. I don’t know if they are okay or if […]