Further Adventures in Being Cat Ladies: Part Deux

When we last visited with our dynamic feline duo, Maylee and Mamma Mia, they had recently been reunited in our second bedroom after a seven week separation. Reunification went a little more quickly than we planned when Mamma Mia escaped our crate, dashed about the room, and landed under the red chair where Maylee had […]

Mamma Mia, Here We Go Again: Further Adventures in Being in Cat Ladies

Feral cats Pittsburgh

We did it. After seven weeks, we finally (re)trapped our feral/homeless female cat, Mamma Mia, and reunited her with her female bonded companion, Maylee. They are both in our second bedroom with access to food & water, comfortable temperatures, and no fears of being hit by a car, attacked by another animal, etc. They are […]

Today, a Kitten Died.

This is a week of unrelenting intensity. Then a kitten died, practically in my arms. We’ve been feeding outside kitties during this brutal winter. We have a dog house filled with straw, we put out fresh water and dry food every day. Right now, our little visitors are Mamma Mia and her four kittens, Little […]

Ten Years Ago Today, We Lost Our Beautiful Dog Mona

Save the Blog

Ledcat thinks it is a bit macabre, but I put the ‘dativersary’ of my pets’ deaths into Google calendar so I don’t forget them. I don’t know most of their birth dates and only a few adoption dates which I also record. Today is the ten year anniversary of the death of our sweet dog, […]

Happy 9th Gotcha Day Coco Kitty

Nine years ago, we took in a stray Siamese kitten (abt 6 months) for a few days. One flutter of those baby blue eyes against the blue rug in the bathroom and we were goners. Three days later, she was jumping on the kitchen cabinets and kneeding the dogs backs to make her napping spot. […]

Saying Goodbye to Emberly, the Cat Who Survived

He almost made it to two years. It was a Wednesday afternoon when my friend Brandi posted on Facebook that her kids found an abandoned kitty in weak condition. They could not take it inside because of human allergies. Laura and I drove over with our cat carrier, thinking we would transpor to the Humane […]

Update on Highland Park Reservoir Ducklings – Why Is The Water Level So Low?

Last week, I blogged about a situation in the Highland Park Reservoir – ducklings were dying and their bodies left floating in the water. We have a positive update, but lots of questions. First, the good news. Another set of hatchlings (5 in total) seem to be doing well so far. Mama duck is scooting […]

Response From PWSA: Highland Park Ducklings

Ducklings Highland Park

The Highland Park Reservoir is a regulated drinking water source managed by the Pittsburgh Water and Sewer Authority. PWSA shares your concern about the ducklings and their inability to exit the reservoir. We’re exploring solutions that would help them get out of the water and over the wall of the reservoir to exit safely. Please […]

UPDATED: Dozens of Ducklings Have Died in Highland Park Reservoir, Access Ramp Needed to Save Remaining Few

Content Note: photo of the bodies of the dead ducklings As of 2:45 PM, I’ve not heard back from Mayor Peduto’s spokespersons, or really anyone except a staffer for Councilor O’Connor who said he was sharing my information with the Parks Director. Whom I told him is out of the office, as is Councilor O’Connor. […]

Our Cat Has Pancreatic Cancer and Three Months to Live #NaBloPoMo

Emberly came to live with us in late September 2015. He had been living on the streets near a friend’s home in Brighton Heights. My original thought was that we would take him to the shelter when it was open, but a night in our bathroom was better than another night on the streets. Then […]