Happy Sixth Preciousversary

  Our sweet and grumpy tabby cat, Precious, joined our family six years ago on this date. She spent several months living in the attic; it took an entire year for her to feel safe jumping onto our lap of her own accord. Now she is stretched out on the floor in the kitchen like […]

I Miss My Dogs

I miss my dog. Both of them, I miss both of my dogs. Amadeus died in April 2015 at the age of 13 and Alexander died in January 2016 at the age of 14. They were littermates and had been with me since they were barely eight weeks old. That’s a long time to love […]

The Saturday Pet Situation

Today is precious. We learned that Boris is in full kidney failure so his time is now defined by days more than weeks. He’s not in any pain and he’s still eating/drinking/sleeping. So we simply wait until he lets go or some of those factors change. We wait and we savor each sweet little moment. […]

The Saturday Pet Situation

Pittsburgh cats

The Saturday Pet Situation

Lesbian Cats

Good Mornings With Milk Bones

Dog treats are an age-old dilemma. We have a nearly-14-year-old shepherd mix (Xander) struggling to maintain his weight and a little bit of activity and we also have a 8-year-old chihuahua mix who needs to drop some weight because she’s been living the retired older doggie lifestyle of late. We use a combination of premade […]

Snow Dogs

As a rule, my crew love the snow and loathe the bitter cold. So this weekend is confusing.    

Merry Christmas: My Dog Beat Cancer

Today, Xander wagged his tail for the first time since surgery. A full butt-wiggling wagging, not just a tepid little twitch. He’s not permitted to bound into the yard until his stitches are removed, but he’s got some bounding energy in that tail wag. I took a call from an unfamiliar number without thinking about […]

My Dog Has Cancer

Pet Portrait

Alexander and Amadeus came to me when they were seven weeks old – part of a litter of 7 that were rescued from a neglectful situation. They were being fed cat food with whole milk poured over it. At seven weeks. After some vet care and fluids for Amadeus who was dehydrated, they spent weeks […]