Dishonoring the Death of My Sweet Dog

CN: death of pets, animals, grief I’ve had horrible endings for multiple pets – my sweet Jack attacked my face. Ashley fought euthanasia for two hours on my parents living room floor. A dog killed three kittens. Mona fought cancer but it killed her and she pulled away from me in her final days. She […]

Oh, Deer. That’s Not a Cat

deer at the cat colony

Deer readers. We are doing some fundraising for Fort Faulsey to replace the feeding stations – we hope to buy six of these amazing stations created by Feralvilla that are durable, hygenic, and safe. I’ve been looking for great clips of the colony to highlight why we need this and tonight … I had a […]

Liesl Obrecht, Selina Wu, And Their Kitten Brothers Are Doing Great

Nearly four weeks have flown by since this little litter of sweet kittens joined our (foster) family and they are doing great. Yay Kitten! Refresher: they were born in April in Fayette County, found in a barn, and voila! So now they are eight weeks old. They eat like champs, they play, they tussle, there […]

Meet Our New Foster Kittens: The #FayetteFive

Five little kittens in a collage

Let me set the stage. Four years ago on May 8, 2019, we ‘plucked’ an orange fluff ball from our backdeck. The next day, we were accepted as a kitten foster home by Pittsburgh CAT and over the next five days, trapped the entire litter – all five of them. You may remember then as […]

The Pittsburgh Free Pet Stuff Store Now Accepting Donations of Gently Used Pet Items

Your semi-regular reminder that the #FreePetStuffStore accepts gently used pet stuff items to redistribute to colony caretakers, rescuers, trappers, and pet owners. We have a storage unit that is currently storing our soon-to-be-built shed. The title Free Pet Stuff Store 15233 is a working title to describe a Free Store focusing on gently used and excess pet […]

Pittsburgh Animal Care & Control Urban Terror Campaign

Pittsburgh Feral Cat Trapping TNR

Pittsburgh has already begun to experience the effects of climate change with harsher winters, hotter summers, record setting precipitation, and increased numbers of invasive species. City of Pittsburgh Climate Action Plan 3.0 If you were worried that the Pittsburgh Animal Care & Control division is subject to an overabundance of oversight or accountability, I am […]

Here’s How We Recently Helped Three Cats

Helping Cats

I was having a good day yesterday. Lots of little positive things. Then I got word that a cat named Tang had successfully been transferred from his humans to a rescue. That news was the capstone of the day. Two weeks ago, Tangs owners contacted me. A married gay couple, they both had serious, unexpected […]

That Time My Foster Kitten Got Sick and I Had to Miss the Governor’s LGBTQ History Month Reception

Governor Wolf LGBTQ History Month Reception

I’m tempted to write “It has been a week” but as it is only Monday night, that’s not adequate to explain where my head is right now. Here’s the quick and dirty version – I broke my toe Saturday night. Ouch. This morning, one of our foster kittens had a temperature of 105.4 (very high) […]

Foster Kittens Need Unique Names or How I Ended Up Surrounded by so Many DiMeras and Cassadines

Spoilers – this is a long post because it involves photos and lots of explanation. Also, I mention the fate of several soap opera characters. I also reference some sad outcomes for the community cats. Whimsical topic about a harsh reality. One lesson learned early on from fostering kittens is that there are naming protocols. […]

Twenty Tips About Donating Your Gently Used Stuff to Community Cats

Donate to Help Cats

Cat folx are generous to a fault. They share their excess, they pass the ‘stuff’ of their beloved pets onto others, and they gather stuff from their friends, too. I am constantly asked if #PghCatFolx can distribute this or that. Often enough that I think it is time to create a formal list with information. […]