Stuff the Community Cats Stockings – Now!

donate to cats

We are getting down to the wire … will enough donors pitch in to #SantaClawsPgh? Our goal is to provide gift cards to the 25 neighbors on our cat colony pet food distribution list – to thank them for their contributions to the community.  We will be distributing toward year’s end so still time to […]

I Put Up a Christmas Tree For My Feral Cat Colony

We have three Christmas trees this year. Our main living room tree in its usual corner spot, wedged in with a rocking chair and a few cat beds to avoid feline fiascos. It has lights and cat-friendly ornaments. It is lovely. I could watch the lights for hours. Of course, we put no gifts out […]

Another #SantaClaws Update – Help us Give Gift Cards to the Colony Caretakers

As of December 12, we have 14 caretakers adopted —> 10 remain ungifted. Click to pitch in now.

The One Year Anniversary of the Establishment of Ft. Faulsey Cat Colony

One year for Christmas, my brother received a fort and I received a Barbie townhouse. We had a lot more fun with the fort – my father had us lay out the armies for the attack. I usually included my barbies, stuffed animals, and assorted small toys. Setting up the actual plastic soldiers was dull. […]

We’ve Fostered 24 Kittens Since 2018

Dear friends, I hope you are having a safe and healthy holiday season. Laura and I are well. We did not expect to spend nearly our entire first year as a married couple in a pandemic, but we are both triple vaccinated, practicing social distancing, and wearing our masks. Our cats have been a source […]

Another Santa Claws Gift Card Drive Update – 8 adopted, 17 to go

gift card drive for cats

Overnight, we received word that five additional cat colony caretakers were adopted for the holidays.  – that’s a total of eight, leaving us to find gift card donations for 17 other caretakers. Please don’t wait to at least tell me you plan to participate. My heart races wondering if we’ll find enough donors. Best way […]

Santa Claws Update: 3 Caretakers Adopted, 22 Still Unclaimed

We are asking the community to “adopt” neighbors who care for community cats throughout the region. Adoption means purchasing a gift card to let the caretakers know that they matter, that they deserve support and kindness. To thank them. Three donors have adopted three caretakers. That leaves 22 who need a gift card. Please don’t […]

Update on Santa Claws Gift Card Drive – 2 caretakers adopted, 24 to go

As of December 2, we have two caretakers “adopted” for the holidays. That leaves the following caretakers to be adopted with a gift card donation. Al and Karen (72), West Mifflin, 5 catsBarbara (79), Oakland, 25 catsCindy, Hill District, 18 catsDenise, (61), Carnegie, 20+ catsErica, (30), Regent Square, 10+ catsHolly, Northside, 10+ catsJuly, (78), Moon […]

Morning Things – Feeding the Backyard Cats

Feeding Feral Cats

This is what we get to do each day – morning and night – we have two feral cats in our yard named Oksana and Mx Pajamas. They wait at the back door like little dogs. In this clip, our occasional guest Tommy is waiting. He was curled up in a little ball when I […]

Santa Claws Magic for Walt on the Northside

For the holidays, we are asking you to adopt a community cat caretaker to thank them for their year round work. Walt is a retiree in his 70’s living on the Northside. This is a very special caretaker. He has a colony of 26 cats, all TNVRd. And every one of them is a black […]