Santa Claws Magic for Kevin in Monongahela

For the holidays, we are asking you to adopt a community cat caretaker to thank them for their year round work. Kevin, age 68, lives in Monongahela and cares for community cats. Kevin is a former railroad worker. He was suffered a massive heart attack and is now on disability. He currently has 3 neutered […]

Santa Claws Magic for Judy in Moon Township

For the holidays, we are asking you to adopt a community cat caretaker to thank them for their year round work. At nearly age 80, Judy lives in Moon Township and cares for community cats. Judy is a widow whose husband died 15 years ago. She has lived there for 30 years and have been […]

Santa Claws Magic for Erica in Regent Square

Adopt a Family Christmas

For the holidays, we are asking you to adopt a community cat caretaker to thank them for their year round work. Erica and her mother live in Regent Square. Erica and her mother feed a colony in Wilkinsburg. They’ve named all the cats, know their relationships and heritage, and contact my rescue whenever someone new […]

Santa Claws Magic for Denise in Carnegie

For the holidays, we are asking you to adopt a community cat caretaker to thank them for their year round work. Denise and her husband moved to Carnegie about ten years ago. Like many caretakers, it began with one homeless cat. Denise fed this little girl and after she realized the cat was pregnant, she […]

Santa Claws Magic for Cindy, 50, in Hazelwood

Adopt a Family Christmas

For the holidays, we are asking you to adopt a community cat caretaker to thank them for their year round work. Cindy is a caretaker living in Hazelwood. In her own words: I currently care for approximately 18 cats. All are from the streets but many are socialized. All except one is spayed or neutered.( […]

Santa Claws Magic for Barbara, 80, Oakland

Adopt a Family Christmas

For the holidays, we are asking you to adopt a community cat caretaker to thank them for their year round work. Barbara is an 80-year-pld caretaker who has been taking care of Oakland cats for 10+ years. The colony started when someone dumped their friendly cats outside hear home and they started reproducing. Now there […]

Santa Claws Magic for Al and Karen in West Mifflin

For the holidays, we are asking you to adopt a community cat caretaker to thank them for their year round work. Al and Karen are retirees living in West Mifflin. They are in their early 70’s. Over the years, they have TNVRd eight cats out of their own pocket. Currently, their colony has five cats. […]

Be a Santa Claws for a Cat Caretaker in Your Community

Adopt a Family Christmas

Be a Santa Claws for a Cat Caretaker in Your Community Every neighborhood has at least one “cat lady” or “cat folx” as we like to say – the person who takes care of homeless cats, day in and day out. It is rewarding work, but work that can often be overlooked. Caretakers sacrifice time […]

Honor the Life and Death of Dr. John Ruffing With a Pet Food Donation Today

Dr. John Ruffing West Mifflin

Today is the anniversary of one of the saddest days of my life. November 9, 2007, my beloved friend and quasi-big-brother died unexpectedly at the age of 41. His name was Dr. John P. Ruffing VMD. Each year on his birthday (April) and this date (November), I write a post. I feel his loss so […]

Cats Need Help – A Complete List

Pittsburgh Pet Food Projects

I know that I’ve asked a lot lately – it certainly has been a rough month year. A friend asked to summarize the various needs so this post is for them and for anyone who is interested in helping. Marshall-Shadeland Cat Colony A friend has been working hard to manage a colony of cats on a […]