Holiday Wishes From the Fort Faulsey Community Cats

When I suggested they write letters to Santa Paws, there was a lot of hissing, disdainful looks, and EJ jumping up and down in the background with excitement. So we compromised. Last year, I put up a Christmas tree and stockings and lights for them, but not this year. If you’d like to send them […]

My Holiday Decoration Scheme

Or Jesus, Cats, and Trans Kids My neighborhood of Manchester on Pittsburgh’s Northside is having a holiday decorating contest. We have a lovely row house, built in 1872, but no outdoor electrical outlets so our decorating has always been limited. Putting things inside the windows is risky business with cats. And the windows are tall […]

Support These Veterans Taking Care of Cat Colonies on This Veterans Day

You might be surprised to learn how many veterans from the United States military forces are cat folx. They have pets, they volunteer, and many have memories of cats (and dogs) they encountered in their service. And some are caretakers of cat colonies … continuing to serve their communities by feeding and TNVRing cats. This […]

On this Caturday

We are still very much learning cat folx skills. We’ve been caretaking for a colony since 2017. We’ve been fostering since May 2019. We’ve fostered 28 kittens. All have survived and flourish in adoptive homes. All experienced illness requiring lots of vet visits and care. Late, late nights and early mornings. Some came to us […]

That Time My Foster Kitten Got Sick and I Had to Miss the Governor’s LGBTQ History Month Reception

Governor Wolf LGBTQ History Month Reception

I’m tempted to write “It has been a week” but as it is only Monday night, that’s not adequate to explain where my head is right now. Here’s the quick and dirty version – I broke my toe Saturday night. Ouch. This morning, one of our foster kittens had a temperature of 105.4 (very high) […]

Kittens For John Fetterman

Our foster kittens intently watching John Fetterman during his appearance on The Reid Out with Joy Reid.

Foster Kittens Need Unique Names or How I Ended Up Surrounded by so Many DiMeras and Cassadines

Spoilers – this is a long post because it involves photos and lots of explanation. Also, I mention the fate of several soap opera characters. I also reference some sad outcomes for the community cats. Whimsical topic about a harsh reality. One lesson learned early on from fostering kittens is that there are naming protocols. […]

How to Help

Hey! We have a lot going on right now. Most people do one thing at a time, but we aren’t most people. We exist in a world that is complex, nuanced, and filled with priorities clamoring for our attention. Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities (PLC) has multiple programs PLC is registered with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and […]

Welcome to the Garfield Boys – our latest foster kittens

Foster Kittens Pittsburgh

We took in some foster kittens to help with the deluge on local rescues. Our crew are three boys who were from Garfield. They are sweet, curious, and friendly. They are doing well so far – about seven weeks old, all males, and off to a good socialization start. They will be available for adoption […]

Proud to Be Finalist in Three City Paper ‘Best of Pittsburgh’ Reader’s Poll Categories

Best of Pittsburgh

I am so pleased to share this with you – Pittsburgh LGBTQ Charities has been voted into the finalist round of the Pittsburgh City Paper ‘Best of Pittsburgh’ Reader’s Poll. The category is Best Social Justice Organization. That is so amazing – this is our first year of programming and supports. I think the work […]