PA House Republicans Advance Anti-Trans Legislation That Will Do Nothing to Help Working Families

On its face, the legislation is absolute rubbish. Trans women and trans girl and nonbinary folx are incredibly underrepresented in academic athletic programs. All this fuss and bother to pass these bills in Republican controlled states is such an obvious attempt to delude voters into thinking they are protecting children while actually not attending to […]

Q&A with Emily Kinkead, Candidate for PA State House District 20

Emily Kinkead Pennsylvania

if re-elected, I intend to leverage my new relationships (if the Democrats don’t manage to take the majority) to get some traction on one of my most important, if possibly least sexy, pieces of legislation – a bill that would establish a state insurance program (like mine subsidence insurance) for people impacted by landslides. State […]

Q&A With Jerry Dickinson, Candidate for U.S. Congress PA-12

Yes, I am committed to a fully inclusive Equality Act that includes gender identity. I would not vote for a version that focuses on sexual orientation and not gender identity as this would exclude a large population of the LGBTQIA+ community. Our trans and non-binary siblings need powerful, equitable representation and protection This is the […]

Q&A With NaTisha Washington, Candidate for PA House District 24

Unfortunately Pittsburgh/Allegheny County does a bad job of celebrating and acknowledging our talented resident until they’re famous or nationally recognized. I’ve fortunately had the opportunity to meet or know about many people around the city doing amazing work but they were not locally supported like they should. Last year I highlighted black environmentalists, but this […]

A Year in the Life of a City of Pittsburgh Commissioner on the LGBTQIA+ Commission

One year ago, I was among a group of 17 individuals nominated and approved to serve as Pittsburgh’s first LGBTQIA+ Commission. That was February 9, 2021 so a little more than a year. Sue Kerr, Kathi Boyle, Richard Parsakian, Leonard Orbovich, Sarah Rosso, Jam Hammond, Guillermo Velazquez, Denise DeSimone, Luca Salerno, Tiffini Simoneaux, Nekia Burton […]

Do you want to answer our political Q&A for the 2022 Pennsylvania primary election?

Political Q&A

Each election cycle, we publish Q&A’s with candidates for all levels of office. It is a pretty popular series and often consulted for insight into candidates’ queer/progressive/social justice values. To be eligible, candidates must be running for office in Pennsylvania at any level. Our readership extends statewide so we welcome candidates from anywhere in the […]

Mayor Gainey Appoints Out Trans Latina Maria Montaño as Press Secretary, Unveils Letterhead With Pronouns

Maria Montaño

Pittsburgh Mayor Ed Gainey made a landmark announcement today, sharing that he has appointed Maria Montaño as his Press Secretary. Montaño is an experienced communications professional who brings a lot of talent and wisdom to the position. She also happens to identify as a proud trans, queer, Latinx woman. Montaño is possibly the highest ranking […]

PYC Statement on Former LGBTQ Nonprofit Leader John Dawe’s Sentencing for Sexual Abuse

I am glad to see the Pennsylvania Youth Congress coming forward with a clear, concise record of their efforts to hold sexual predator John Dawe and the LGBTQ adults who enabled him accountable for sexual violence inflicted on our youth. This has been known for years. These organizations are no better than the Catholic Church […]

Political LGBTQ&A with Xander Orenstein, Magisterial Judge Elect

We also must remember that your identity is part of your power, but do not let it alone define who you are. There are always bits of who you are that are out there to be discovered and what you will find will surprise and empower you. A few days after Election Day 2021, the […]

Political LGBTQ&A with Gregory O. Yorgey-Girdy, Judge-Elect

Greg Yorgey-Girdy

  As gay people, we are not one to sit around and be quiet. We have a history of being marginalized. In 2020, we had one of the highest voter registrations. It’s queer people getting out and doing it. A few days after Election Day 2021, the Victory Fund released a list of known out  […]