Q&A With Emily Skopov, Candidate for State House District 28

Emily Skopov

  We are revisiting our Political Q&A series for the upcoming elections of 2020. We’ve reached out to candidates who are pro-choice and pro-LGBTQ, asking them a series of questions about their campaigns. We’ve sent out about a dozen Q&A’s to folks and encourage you to suggest others. Candidates can be anywhere in Pennsylvania running for any […]

UPDATE: White Supremacy Billboards along Route 51 in Allegheny County near Fayette, Washington and Westmoreland counties

White Supremacy Signs Route 51

UPDATE below: How did I spend my 4th of July? We took a local road trip out to Belle Vernon/Rostraver to check out rightwing political signs posted on the property of a local business, Elizabeth Equipment Services. I got the tip last night while watching Hamilton (of course) so Ledcat and I decided we would […]

Scott Township Has One Chance to Address Transphobic Culture of Commissioners

Scott Township board vice president Paul Abel misgendered PA Secretary of Health during a recent board meeting. I’m not going to reprint the slur, you can find that here andhere. Coverage so far implies several things Abel’s ‘frustration’ over how the State is handling coronavirus justifies or explains his transphobia. Other Commissions acknowledged his bigotry, […]

Q&A With Nina Ahmad, Candidate for PA Auditor General

We are revisiting our Political Q&A series for the upcoming elections of 2020. We’ve reached out to candidates who are pro-choice and pro-LGBTQ, asking them a series of questions about their campaigns. We’ve sent out about a dozen Q&A’s to folks and encourage you to suggest others. Candidates can be anywhere in Pennsylvania running for […]

KDKA AM Radio Host Repeatedly Misgenders Dr. Rachel Levine, PA Secretary of Health, During Media Call

Marty Griffin misgendered Dr. Rachel Levine, PA Secretary of Health during a media call today. She told him to knock it off. He dithered about being too busy with his very important radio job to prioritize accuracy and respect. Mayor Bill Peduto decided to cancel a planned appearance on another KDKA radio show in response […]

Pennsylvania Lt. Governor John Fetterman Stands in Line for Groceries

Second Lady of Pennsylvania Gisele Barreto Fetterman shared this photo on Sunday morning. Her husband, Pennsylvania’s Lieutenant Goverenor, standing in the rain at a social distance with mask and gloves, waiting to shop for groceries in Pittsburgh. He’s waiting his turn. In the rain. Following the guidelines. Just like the rest of us. #LeadByExample

PA State Representative Summer Lee Describes Digital Campaigning During a Pandemic

I asked a few campaigns to weigh in on the new tactics and strategies they will be relying on to move ahead with critical elections. What is still possible? What is newly possible? How can we help from our homes? You can read our candidate Q&A’s here. Also, check out our Q&A’s about the Pennsylvania Primary Election. […]

Candidate for PA State House Emily Kinkead Describes Digital Campaigning During a Pandemic

Emily Kinkead

I asked a few campaigns to weigh in on the new tactics and strategies they will be relying on to move ahead with critical elections. What is still possible? What is newly possible? How can we help from our homes? You can read our candidate Q&A’s here. Also, check out our Q&A’s about the Pennsylvania Primary Election. […]

Video: First person view of Pittsburgh rally to reopen small business and support Trump

Lorenzo does outreach to people experiencing homelessness, neighbors who are incredibly overlooked right now. he’s been making excellent points that are not on our radar. Did you know street meals have been limited to 3 days a week? I’m appalled to realize I haven’t been thinking about this. Lorenzo went Downtown on Monday to continue […]

Candidate for PA State House Jessica Benham Describes Digital Campaigning During a Pandemic

Jessica Benham

I asked a few campaigns to weigh in on the new tactics and strategies they will be relying on to move ahead with critical elections. What is still possible? What is newly possible? How can we help from our homes? You can read our candidate Q&A’s here. Also, check out our Q&A’s about the Pennsylvania […]